No, your witch side doesn’t have to be activated, your born with it. Like Bonnie Bennett, she didn’t have to activate anything, she just started practicing. As Kol said, before he became a vampire he was a prodigy in witchcraft, but non of his siblings really started practicing yet. That doesn’t mean there not witches. And by prodigy, I don’t mean giant spells, Kol was a young teen, just little spells.
So Klaus and all his siblings (but Freya) died as untapped WITCHES. And untapped means they didn’t “TAP INTO” their magical power yet.
Well, you could be born a witch and a werewolf because there both capable of reproducing offspring. You can’t be born immortal that’s why you can’t be a born werewolf vampire hybrid, because vampires can’t reproduce or procreate. For example, say if Tyler and Bonnie which is weird and never to be repeated had a child, it would be a Werewolf Witch. Because Tyler (before he became a hybrid) and Bonnie are capable of reproduction.
But with the original question, I found Hayley is very relevant as she is why Hope has TRANSFORMATION CONTROL in her werewolf nature. Because Hope is an evolved werewolf.