How did hope get this picture? I mean they burned it and yet in legacies we see hope stare longingly at the photos of her family and this picture is there but they only took one and they burned it so how did she get it? Theories please.
How did hope get this picture? I mean they burned it and yet in legacies we see hope stare longingly at the photos of her family and this picture is there but they only took one and they burned it so how did she get it? Theories please.
Like many of you I joined on here to discuss Legacies and things that pertain to the TVDU. As easy as it is to bash this show because it’s many flaws I’m part of the group of people who watch this show in the hope that it gets better and sadly 2 seasons in were still not there.
I always see people bringing up how Legacies is childish due to how the show is written, and then you have people on the opposing side who are like this show is aimed at a younger audience and they’re in High school, but didn’t TVD also take place in High school and didn’t TO have a whole subplot that revolved around the Harvest Girls who were all teenager? Then they’re are people who echo what the creators of the show have said and like to say how “Legacies is its own thing”, well I’m here to tell you it isn’t.
Legacies is the child of TVD and TO, some of the shows main plot threads and actors recurring or main are from either of those two shows. I’ve noticed that this show really doesn’t know what it wants to be and that’s what’s killing it with the audience. The writers can’t decide if they want this show to be like sexy teen drama, or serious. This would only work if this show was a anthology but it isn’t but they treat it as if it is especially with the Noir and Fairy tale dream episode. Legacies is trying to have it too many ways at once instead of setting the tone for the season and working with what it has, which is young unseasoned actors and a low budget. The show besides abandoning some of its characters they abandon plot threads too, so how are viewers supposed to keep up and be entertained when there is no linear overarching plot for a season. The MOTW format is what is killing the show also it has made the plot very predictable and unsuspenseful the monsters are utterly useless because they add nothing to the plot besides the addition of a new supernatural species and we know they are all gonna die before the end of the episode.
Also this show has a bad habit of sacrificing its own lore for the sake of the plot. The first instance I remembered of this is was when they were holding the Mystic Falls Beauty Pageant at the school, and while Hope and Roman were dancing, Lizzie and Josie we’re arguing over Hopes dress and the writers forgot that Hope is a werewolf and has werewolf super-hearing and instead of having her find out for herself where exactly the dress she was wearing came from they had Roman echo it to her causing her to have this meltdown as she won the pageant. Second we have Sebastian's existence, I’m not sure if the writers remember or not but back in 2012 Markos and the Travelers performed the anti-magic unraveling spell over Mystic Falls and the spell got cut short and stopped right at the border of the town. Why is this important you may ask Damon and Elena who were still in Mystic Falls but underneath it in the underground tunnels and they themselves were feeling the affects of the spell and began to relive how they died and didn’t overcome it until the got outside of the anti-magic border. So how is that even though desiccated for at least 3 to 4 decades Sebastian is alive when the Traveler spell should’ve stripped away his vampirism and killed him in his sleep?
Why is it with this 3rd generation did the writers think they needed to rebrand and rework what was already working for them with the two other shows besides the repetitiveness of love triangles in TVD and completely disregard their own lore that they created??
Did anyone else rewatch the series and slowly notice a number of mistakes? For example, when Damon in season one seems to be able to summon a crow and even points out to Stefan this is a new trick or something along those lines and then after the first few episodes he never does it again.
Also, when Stefan is handing Elena vervain jewelry it does not burn him like is does in future episodes like when Enzo takes Maggies vervain off (only example i can think of at the moment)
Also, even in later seasons like when Caroline stabs Stefan for trying to turn her humanity back on she slowly starts to desiccate then stops as soon as she removed the stake, but on multiple other accounts like when Lily is stabbed she dies regardless of the immediate removal of the stake due to a “splinter.” This just seems weird to me.
I don’t know I just think they changed a lot of “rules” throughout the seasons.
I've recently been rewatching The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies and discovered a huge whole in the plot. Someone else has probably already realized this, but I wanted to post anyways.
In The Vampire Diaries, its discovered that if an original vampire dies then their whole blood line dies as well. Its also discovered that the Salvatore Brothers are descendents of Klaus's blood line. This means Caroline is also from that blood line since Damon's blood turned her.
In the end of The Originals, Klaus and Elijah kill themselves to.protect Hope. In Legacies, Caroline is mentioned as being alive throughout the series. If Klaus died, then how is Caroline still alive??
Another plot hole I discovered is with Kai, the evil Gemini twin. In The Vampire Diaries, Damon beheads Kai after he kills Jo during the wedding. How does Kai turn up in a prison world in season 2 of Legacies??
Anyone else get super annoyed with plot holes? For instance, when Alaric went from original vampire to human because of the town’s anti-magic barrier, his compulsion on Elena didn’t waiver. However, when Stefan was given the cure by Bonnie when his humanity switch was off, every living person who he ever compelled was given back their memories. Was this to say that only the cure for immortality/vampirism was the only way to reset memories? Simply being saved by a doctor witch at an anti-magic barrier doesn’t cut it? It really should have been a loophole in the “magic always has a loophole" thing.
How did they have that picture framed if they burned it?
I finished watching the whole show finally. And I found some inconsistencies with the show in regards to following the TVD/TO universe.
For instance, they held Landon for only a day to get the vervain (I know it wasn't really in his system) out of his system but on TVD Damon made Liz stay 3 days in the cellar and Nadia kidnapped Matt for 3 days before it was out of their systems.
Also since when do werewolves have clothes on when they turn back? Hope had an oversized shirt on lol.
And I've already talked about MG's ability to compel so well when he only drinks animal blood. It was clearly stated on TVD that it doesn't work very good or at all.
My actual question is: how was Hope able to get to Malivore when it (he?) can't consume vampires, witches or werewolves? As she is all 3 it should have spit ESPECIALLY her out. I know she said she's the loophole but that doesn't make any sense and seems inconsistent from what we know of Malivore.
Sorry for being so knit picky but I hate it when writers seem to have forgotten what they wrote like the things I mentioned above. Thanks guys!