Out of all the various factions in tvdverse, some of them I guess left unknown in that we dont know if the full quantity of the lot died but assuming some of them survived, which group would you like to see make a comeback in legacies to give closure?
Travellers(assuming some of them survived after damon ran the car into mystic grill)
Gemini coven(outside of valerie, josie and lizzie assuming some had the foresight to unlink from the coven)
Marcels original crew of vampires(the ones in his inner circle and anyone lucky enough to escape the garden)
The guerrera brothers(assuming elijah left any alive cause I think they were last seen with him)
The kindred(assuming there were some members after freya attacked them)
Klaus's enemies(assuming they didnt all die out)
The original armory group(assuming some made it out alive from sybils massacre)
Augustine society(assuming enzo left any alive cause I think wes maxfield sent him in season 5 to kill them for some reason)
Silas's cult(assuming any survived kols attack)
The bloodlines of finn, kol and elijah(assuming some again had the foresight to unlink before their original sire died)
Phoenix stone vamps(assuming a few of them escaped and survived from rayna, bonnie, enzo and damon)
Church fell vamps(assuming any made it out of bonnies fire spell)
This last one maybe a bit redundant but any malivore monsters would you like to see assuming some made it out alive when hope killed malivore and his dimension engulfed in flames)
Im not putting cleos sisters cause despite never having seen them die, i mean we see a burning house with screams, its presumed they all died cause cleo wouldnt lie unless she has good reason to