What the deal with this world? From what I can remember Hope and Josie go there but it’s never really explained that much and kinda forgotten pretty quickly. Does anyone mind explaining it for me.
What the deal with this world? From what I can remember Hope and Josie go there but it’s never really explained that much and kinda forgotten pretty quickly. Does anyone mind explaining it for me.
My own little headcanon theory is that she definitely was sirebonded to Hope but—the definition of it would break it since it’s her child—she was devoted to her child—she would do anything for her child—so when should discipline her, it would be her acting as her mother and not a defiant sire.
Why did they send Hope back to the Bording school in season 4? It was clear to them that she needed help and they could have given that to her, so why the hell did they send her back to a place that has caused her so much trauma.
So with the possibility of the series returning, I thought I could go through a few villains from the book series that could work for the series:
1) the Kitsune twins: these two are the main antagonists from the return book series, and whilst Kitsune Villains have been done before, see Teen Wolf, these two are actually pretty scary when it comes to raw power and what their plan was as in the books they infect all the children in town with a parasite called a ‘Malach’ in an attempt to have them kill all the adults. With a few re-works they could be very dangerous villains and the Malach might be a good way to explain why Josie turned evil, as in the book’s Caroline was patient zero for the Malach outbreak.
2) the jealousy Phantom: this Villain appears in the first book of the Hunter trilogy, aptly titled Phantom’s. She is one of the Original Phantom and as her title suggests she feeds off the jealousy of her victims making them get uncontrollably jealous at other people to the point of attacking others. This would be a good way to give more emotional development to the characters more specifically to Hope, as in my opinion she didn’t have that much development throughout her arc and this villain would be a good way to give her some development.
And 3) The Vitale society: these group is a secret society that occupies the Delcrest college, and is the Primary antagonists of the Second book in of the Hunter trilogy and a minor antagonist in the last book in the trilogy. There main goals throughout these books is to resurrect Klaus from the dead. This one is more of a gateway Villain than anything else, as it would lead to the potential return of Klaus from being dead and it would be fun to see a memory less Klaus fighting Hope, Hybrid vs Tribrid and all.
Since Hope triggered her vampire side, so many assumptions have been made by FANS and not creator’s of the show. One of them being she has the strength of an Original, which is FALSE. Hope’s vampire side is her weakest side, everyone knows strength comes with AGE, when Katherine was turned she didn’t automatically gain the strength of a 500 year old vampire, it was given to her over time. Same can be said for ALL The Original Vampires and normal vampires. People say Hope is stronger than all The Originals and any other ancient Vampire. Witchcraft wise that is true, her magic is what makes her deadly but strength wise Hope isn’t that powerful. I’m just annoyed with seeing people say she can subdue people like Rebekah or Kol or even Marcel for that matter with just her strength when we all know that’s not how vampirism works.
Before you attack me take this into consideration. In S4 of Legacies at the carnival when Hope meets the ancient Vampire he tells her “You find out how hard it is to fight someone centuries older than you” to which she replies “that might be a little PROBLEM for me if i only were a creature of the night” meaning if she didn’t have her witchcraft powers he would’ve subdued her. Secondly before you attack me, in S4 again on the last episode Hope’s witchcraft was disabled against Aurora, forcing her into hand to hand combat which she ultimately FAILED because Aurora subdued her and cut her with red oak TWICE.
Let’s not forget Hope literally had to get the staff out of Auroras hands just to finally get the upper hand by using MAGIC obviously.
This goes to show without her magic, Hope doesn’t really have any other forms of fighting, unless the vampire is a freshly turned then she would definitely subdue them. If she honestly had the strength and skills of an Original, She would’ve fought that Carnival vampire without magic, she would’ve subdued Aurora in 0.5 seconds andd might i add she would’ve heard Rebekah coming from behind her with the dagger in 4x05. I love Hope, i do but this is something the entire fandom needs to accept. She can compel people because her father was an Original, that doesn’t mean she has equal strength to an Original as well. If you want to prove me wrong then by all means, go ahead but if you’re not coming with facts like i just did then don’t come at ALL.
While you can take in consideration that Stefan is the worst cause he's done worse things for everyone especially the people closest to him and/or with Caroline you could say she was better at it or not, I mean she only fell off the rails because Stefan and everyone else wanted her humanity back believing she was going down some dark path and so No Humanity Stefan convinced her to abandon her structured no humanity journey and let loose, in conclusion what are your thoughts and I look forward to see who was the best or worst.
Look, I don't want to raise any absurd hypothesis, but is it possible that Hope becomes fully immortal if she overcomes the weakness of the red oak tree? Because there was kind of a doubt, Hope cast the spell that created the oak tree with the twins, and in one analysis I imagine that nature created a loophole from the moment that was Hope's last spell/spell cast when she was mortal , now that she is fully activated her magic has been intensified with vampirism along with her emotions and all her other attributes and she can no longer die, if Lizzie or Josie absorbed the magic of the Hope tree could they overcome this weakness? The Hollow overcame the Labonair blood weakness I imagine it's possible with Hope as well through the tree, maybe it's possible? the Tree also has a mystical origin because it was made and was not in nature like the white oak, would that be a possibility or is this something completely canonical/impossible? (I'm not referring to Hope as an immortal like Silas or with the same powers, I mean that she just wouldn't be killed by any weapon, if the tree had its destructive magical effects nullified).
Hey guys what if Hope Mikaelson became an Uprgraded Original Tribrid? You think hope would still have her magic? Also is it possible that she’d be able to use her blood as a cure for the seven strains of venom since she is witch and can do what freya did to make a cure but since hope would already possess the seven strains of werewolf venom she can just infuse the cure in her blood?
So we all know that Hope was stated to be a loophole from nature to defeat malivore right. I don’t exactly agree with that statement entirely but only because I believe she is not just a loophole but also an abomination and a miracle! Cuz if you think about it Hope being the tribrid accumulated a massive amount of power to tip the scales of balance and so it got me thinking about hope and her limitations which she seems to have none really but only because it ties into her status of basically being an anomaly in the tvd universe. Since she was born but was never supposed to be but was also a way for somthing to kill malivore.
So since Hope has been stated to be an immortal in the sense that nothing could kill her except god weapons…why couldn’t her blood heal her uncle Finn of Marcels bite?
So basically what the title suggests would hope have been in transition into a tribrid had inadu still possessed her while infecting her with her magic?
Just like the title says, does that mean hope can heals fatally injured vamps with her blood?
Lizzie could only siphon them because it was part god power with the cuts cause the weapon was red oak and god power, but if it was just red oak she wouldn’t be able to siphon it cause it’s not power it’s just a weapon of nature? Am I right
Many of you may not know this but a major issue I think needs to be resolved is presumably a malivore pit still exists and unless hope uses her blood to close it up, possibly other dangerous monsters and maybe malivore could come back through it. I dont know if they will settle that or not but I feel its one unresolved thread now that the gods, dark hope and triad are taken care of.
Im going to get alot of hate for this maybe but I gave it a 2nd thought I think malivore should have remained the main villain of legacies through the whole way. There was a point where I did want a villain season by season and I was sick of malivore but Im at a point where Id rather take a single stretched out villain who gets full character progression than these quicker newer ones cause take in instance who we are having as final villain which is ken which yeah he has cool powers and menacing but he has a dull persona and by tomorrow he will be in the show for what his fifth time? and probably get killed tomorrow, that isnt enough time to develop a big villain. And to me the whole end of the world plot is so overdone and not realistic in a sense cause lets say he did do that, he'd have an empty planet to rule over and whether aurora be at his side or not, I feel he would go insane due to boredom from lack of people, it be one thing if he hates himself and everyone who lives and breathes and he wants to take down everyone with him but that isnt the case here, he wants to rule over nothing. At least malivore wanted to target specific groups, we never got fully explanation of why but at least it wasnt ending everyone.
And yeah there is aurora who is a stretched out villain but it just seems to be repetitive where she falls for these men who arent meant for her but her vampire side is barely explored not to mention the one man who was not toxic to her she wanted no part of aka lucien.
I think what happened why malivore got taken away, okay Im speculating Im not saying this is concrete proof but I think fan backlash over the malivore character drove plans away cause he was originally meant to be a threat over entire series to seperate himself from typical tvd villains. I think had he stayed in landon in 3x04, none of this seperation thing it would have came off better cause he finally have a voice and believable form other than playdoh statue, had him stop bringing out monsters, use physical and mental attacks on hope and the students, all these methods tried to use to kill him and it dont work, he eventually becomes full on phoenix he fights tribrid hope in the finale and hope of course kills him but it feels more earned I suppose is the word. Idk if any of you agree with me or not. Cause I dont care what anyone says even if you hate the malivore character, just the concept of his dimension is terrifying, being alone in darkness forever, that is much more terrifying than killing a character who ends up going to peace anyway.
What cliffhanger do you want resolved in the last 2 episodes that is something that can be realistically resolved:
Kaleb finally explains to cleo how he became a vampire
We see kens other siblings
The malivore pit is finally closed preventing monsters or malivore to return(Im quite sure there is a remaining malivore pit and that is how ben and recent monsters got out)
Klaus finally goes to peace
Hope tells elijah she forgives him
Clarke reveals if he turned into a vampire or not
I refuse to believe that Legacies is the last show in this universe, they always have a backup plan just in case their shows are in danger of cancellation. I think it’s another spinoff in the making, maybe it’s about the Gods, maybe it’s about the Mikaelson’s again, or could be about Hope’s life outside of the Salvatore school. I’m just hoping their is something after this, honestly they could give Rebekah and Freya their own show and have Hope,Lizzie and Caroline in it along with Valerie, we could see Rebekah and Freya’s enemies just like we saw Klaus and Elijah’s. That’s if the actors are willing to do that
(which i doubt they are) but it still wouldn’t hurt to ask right? worst they can say is no.
As we've seen in the originals twice, a person can be resurrected with their ashes. so why wont hope just do the same with Klaus. it has nothing to do with power as she is more powerful than Davina & i dont think the hollow's magic could be within his ashes. also, where is Elijah lol ?
What if season five of Legacies found a way to bring back Mikael?
How would he (in your opinion or viewpoint) react with Hope?
Seeing as how she is the daughter of Klaus, the one being Mikael hates more than anyone else, what do you think would happen?
I could see him being the next big bad (main antagonist) the Super Squad faces and probably their most dangerous enemy after Malivore. And both Hope and Mikael having quite the intense confrontations.
What are your thoughts?
Can someone remind me what was the prison world rafael got sent in bound to?, cause if it was at least part lizzie, couldnt his world have crashed when she died when hope killed her?
At the same time we havent seen him in limbo unless they use excuse he couldnt find landon at first. That is assuming he and his parents spirits went into limbo.