What if Klaus got marked instead of Stefan? If he had killed her, would Klaus follow along permanently or just die a temporary death?
It was a theory made by me, just like the rest of the other theories that are or have been commented on this post. Neither of them are confirmed officially.
I’d say Hope would be spending more time with her father, to replace the ten years of her growth development and childhood. But legacies would definitely be played out differently if he didn’t kill himself.
I’d say mostly plot armor because both Damon and Stefan are one of the main characters in the show, and I doubt they would waste them off so quickly by Alaric killing them. Inside the show. another reason could be that he wanted to keep them alive due to Elena, or because he wanted to end the fight quickly by incapacitating them so the others don’t escape, as that’s what they intended to do.
Marcel, and Lucien as well, have the capability to make their own bloodlines of vampires. Like non-Original vampires are weaker versions of Originals, so those vampires created by the Upgraded models would also be weaker versions of them, but they would still have the same weaknesses as the vampires created by Originals, but they would possess stronger and faster physical traits than non-Originals but they would still be weaker than Original vampires themselves.
I agree. They’ve never properly shown Klaus as to be the true Original Hybrid with immense abilities as he shown be. For example, Klaus vs Hayley and Jackson? Shouldn’t of even been a fight, Klaus is far stronger both of them combined and should of easily dominated the fight before they’d have chance to attack, maybe Hayley with a few hits in because of her enhanced speed but Klaus’s superior reaction time would stop it. Same with fighting the other Original vampires as well. If he’s supposedly the strongest being, or formerly, in the world, his powers should of outclassed the Original vampires, even Mikael, regardless of whether he has superior fighting skills, Klaus’s abilities will be on top regardless. The writer’s never properly displayed Klaus’s true powers as an Original. He may be powerful but not as extremely powerful or strong as he should be.
@Retiredguy567 I actually like that.
Technically, because she has vampire and werewolf blood in her system and combined to heal any wound. Her healing properties should delay her aging
What if Klaus got marked instead of Stefan? If he had killed her, would Klaus follow along permanently or just die a temporary death?
If a human was turned by a witch with a vampire spell, then yes they’d have the abilities of an Original vampire, and or Enhanced or Upgraded, it depends but most likely an Original.
I’d say Klaus would give Marcel a good fight but I’m giving this to Marcel with little difficulty.
^^ True but I’d say with the help of his werewolf abilities, he would at least stand a chance than he would when not using it.
Probably. I’d say 50/50?
I don’t think the dagger is the MOST powerful weapon, maybe one of the most powerful that could be in the top ten lists but definitely not the first, despite its powerful magical properties inside it. Even though it can kill an Upgraded Original, who to which I don’t really consider the most powerful throughout the TVD/TO universe, it can’t really harm any other being such as Immortals.
Would Mikael be able to defeat them with difficulty or lose/be weakened tremendously but killed a handset of them with some difficulty?
Do you think Rebekah would overpower Marcel’s army as Klaus did?
Ryan probably didn’t know that she would come back to life.
Perhaps but I highly doubt he would need help yet.
As Shelia said to Bonnie, Expression is a manifestation of a person’s will if they want to then they can do virtually anything they want. So yes, someone with expression can kill Hope, regardless of her regenerative abilities and vampiric side. Someone with very powerful dark magic could kill Hope too, however, she would probably come back to life or they would find a way to prevent that from happening by destroying her body.
@Novak0winchester He doesn’t need help, all he needs is his lycanthropy abilities to boost his powers which would make him far stronger than an Original and or his bite to weaken them tremendously.