So did we just get an origin of all magic?! I really liked Ben’s story and it’s kinda interesting, I hope they go into a more in depth origin of him and all magic.
@KingValeska I don’t think they would do that considering it was written to be the end of the TVDU.
I’m thinking a character return as Julie has been hinting at a big suprise in her tweets, maybe Caroline?! I also think if they really wanted to end the whole thing, killing Hope would be the way. Unless they wanted to keep it open ended with room to return to it in a revival.
So did we just get an origin of all magic?! I really liked Ben’s story and it’s kinda interesting, I hope they go into a more in depth origin of him and all magic.
Apparently Ben’s a sort of God? That could be cool!
@Donnynight That’s not how adoption and giving up your child works. When Isobel abandoned Elena she gave up all parental rights to Elena, therefore Alaric isn’t her stepfather, biologically or legally.
@GreatMistress Hope doesn’t have a sireline and her “sires” aren’t actually sired to her so Lizzie would be fine
How do you figure that? It’s not stupid for her to not want to die, she said it was a plan B when the pest came to worst.
@GreatMistress Yes, If she drank Hopes blood the. she will be apart of her sire line but not sired to her.
Dahlia was a pseudo-immortal. Technically Dahlia does because she has her own strain/branch of dark magic and I guess Hope does too, not that many Earth witches run out of magic.
Aurora/Hope didn’t feed her blood, she did that on her own merit before she left. It was her Plan B just in case, I’d say she took blood from the werewolf bite cures which are Hope’s blood
Uh, you do have to die. Elena and Damon are dead at the end.
The merge can’t happen now that Lizzie is a hybrid.
@Salvatoreexpress002 I think you’re confused and didn’t read my comment right. I said we know that the humanity switch is completely mental and doesn’t change your physical appearance and that Hope having her switch off IS MY OPINION 🙄
@Salvatoreexpress002 Yes we do, it’s not like the switch changes your appearance or anything. We may not know if she still has her humanity off but I think she does, it’s all opinionated at the moment.
@SpinCraft7 So you wouldn’t have wanted the almighty Triad to put up more of a fight? Hope becoming a werewolf alpha was extremely random, she became an alpha after like 2 seconds of knowing the pack then the entire pack dies. I get she’s powerful but they should’ve put up more of a fight.
So overall I liked the episode but I do have a few minor complaints. Like the other 2 triad members should’ve put up more of a fight and the fact that Hope just became an Alpha randomly is so weird. On another note, I’m super happy Aurora is back! I loved her in TO and I can’t wait to se more of her. (Rebecca is now a recurring character). The body switch twist was epic and completely unexpected. I can totally see Josie being a doctor/surgeon in the future I think it suits her. I also think that if Lizzie goes after Hope she’ll die, I normally LOVE Lizzie but she’s been really annoying these past couple episodes, I do hope that she turns though, that would be awesome
No, the trident switches the mode of the 2 people and the humanity switch is completely mental.
So glad it was her! That body switch twist was amazing!!
All I want it to be is that one of them is Aurora. That’s all I ask.
I’ve seen a lot of people say it was Cami but O recently rewatched TO and have done a bit of research and all I’ve found is that she’s her Guardian. So does Hope have a godmother?