So, how does that work? We see that Jeremy is the one that invited Tyler and the pizza guy, but we also see Elena inviting vamps in to their home. who owns it?
Well, we already know. Freya and Keelin are married with a kid (Vincent is the father), Kol and Davina are married, Rebekah and Marcel are living out their vampire lives before she dies (Rebekah will get the cure after Damon and live out her life)
Did this age good or bad? Can’t tell
Malivore: come give papa a hug
Landon: Ew no
Malivore: I’ll give powers back?
Landon: Okay
I think it’s mg for that triad spell.
The Jed and kaleb casting was amazing. The others were great too, but I didn’t like Hope as Elena
“Second third season” wat
The hand thing Vincent does is funny.
Oh. welp.
Cant tell if your being sarcastic, but keelin said she treated it medical issue and not a magic one.
On the silas topic, Silas couldn’t have kids because of his immortality. i think nature just found a lady that was pregnant, and thought it would nice to just make the unborn a doppelgänger.
Not that related, but i’m kind of nit picky. Keelin used science, not magic, to keep her werewolf side dormant
So, how does that work? We see that Jeremy is the one that invited Tyler and the pizza guy, but we also see Elena inviting vamps in to their home. who owns it?
The other side was destroyed, and so was hell, so there isn’t really an option.
I want to see Ric and Landon or Dorian and Landon. When Dorian and Landon were talking about *that*, i thought it was funny
There could’ve been, but it’s also possible that the amara Doppelgänger in stefans time, died before they could meet
Yeah true. i hope that s3 brings them up
Because to become a vampire, you have to die and you loose your connection to whatever magic you were channeling. siphons can’t generate magic so they weren’t connected to anything to begin with.
Is it low rated? despite the people that don’t like it, a lot of people still watch the show
I forgot that full moons counted.