I don’t think that’s cruel or harsh tbh. I think your question makes perfect sense. I wished Freya had taken Klaus’ place. Hope would’ve had a better life, in my opinion
I completely agree with you. Like literally everything you said. This is an unpopular opinion but so true
Cami, Klaus and Elijah
I think Klaus is my favorite. Doesn’t really matter what you call home tho, he’s still the same insanely hot but very intimidating Original hybrid
Completely agreed
I disagree completely. The character development was way too good to let it end that way
Nope. He was possibly the worst character in the entire series
Kinda. I don’t agree completely. I think Elena receives a lot of unnecessary hate
@Salvatoreexpress002 and he was a hypocrite when it came to his siblings, but that’s not what is being discussed here
@Salvatoreexpress002 okay, Jackson and his pack had sworn to protect Hope but they couldn’t do that if they were all dead. Klaus just kept them alive cause let’s be real; Jackson is all brawn and no brain. Klaus was a strategist and had a deviant mind, hence, he could stay two steps ahead of his enemies. And yes, he is overrated but in this matter, I’m completely on his side. Just imagine if someone tries to take away from you the thing you loved the most, your salvation
@Salvatoreexpress002 actually Klaus only made enemies before Hope was born. And he could protect Hope better than anyone. So Hayley really didn’t need to take Hope away from him. I think she used Hope to keep Klaus in check, which is just sooo wrong
@Riverdalenancydrew22 yeah, that was awfully mean. Like she’s kinda hypocritical. When Klaus cursed her and her pack, she was angry at him for taking Hope away from her, but she was about to do the same thing to him! I think she deserved it, the werewolf curse.
@Rai Zor El I agree that Bonnie and Caroline should’ve gotten their happy endings, although I was happy with Damon and Elena’s ending too. And what you described for the originals is actually perfect. I wanted the same things for them.
@Dominika007 of course being in human form was more important to her. She was separated from her daughter. Also, I hate how davina is never held responsible for her actions. She all but forced Hayley to kill the ninth ward witches. As for the ancestors’ anger for davina, she received it because she didn’t go through with the harvest and SHE was the one who got Kara killed
@Dominika007 you can’t blame her for carol Lockwood’s death. It was Klaus who made that choice. And sure, she’s responsible for the killing of those 12 hybrids but look how her character evolved in TO. Her character development was probably one of the best. Besides, she lived in a world where you’ve gotta look out for yourself and your family, and you’ve gotta be a bit selfish.
My thoughts exactly
@LukeDoBeLikeThat Lol, so true
@Deron918 Nailed it!
Nah, you’re not alone. I think witches are to blame for everything too
Even though I ship klaus with cami, I still think klayley should’ve been endgame. So, no, I don’t think Elijah and Hayley should have another chance. Especially not after the way Elijah left her to die. I know he wasn’t himself at the time, but he fell from my good graces ever since Hayley’s death
I personally loved the portrayal of sirens but I hated their death. It was abrupt and way too easy. Also, I think witches are pretty annoying. I mean, not all of them ( I love Bonnie ) but most of them ARE annoying.