Did the wedding ritual only serve to pass control of the wolves' transformations through Hayley or were physical abilities also passed on? I saw a post on social media that the ability to control transformations was only passed on if physical abilities were actually passed on. Is it possible that in the future, in two or three centuries, wolves will have the standard physical abilities of non-original hybrids like Hayley?
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Are vampires only hurt by one species of vervain or can they be harmed by all of them, because there is over 150 known species of vervain in the world.
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How am I able to view previous images of certain characters’ display pictures. For example, Bonnie’s current picture when you look her up is her in S8, how do I see the last profile picture she had?
This comment is late but I thought I'd ask if anyone is around here to see but what would you have all liked to see for certain characters who ended up in peace but we don't know how their relationships end up due to level of hatred between them
A few examples:
Klaus and mikael
Kai and his coven
Silas and qetsiyah
Katherine and Stefan/damon
So many others but those are some main examples and I figured not to put current characters who still live cause who knows if they will end up there except for delena cause of the flash forward in tvd finale. But basically would you have liked to see the feuds continue, the characters make amends or leave it neutral?
On a sidenote Im assuming the characters who died evil went to peace cause if they were in limbo we certainly didn't see them, we don't know if cades hell or malivore dimension still exists(like pieces of them) for them to be sent to or If their souls faded away into nothing(if such a thing is possible in tvdverse)
My own little headcanon theory is that she definitely was sirebonded to Hope but—the definition of it would break it since it’s her child—she was devoted to her child—she would do anything for her child—so when should discipline her, it would be her acting as her mother and not a defiant sire.
I saw some comments on the internet saying that it was weakening his healing factor, but in reality it didn't have that much of an effect on him because he definitely killed himself with the stake to get rid of it in his body for good, I've been analyzing this situation and basically the original vampires They have existed for a thousand years as vampires and the dark magic that is in their bodies is very potent, why would even the Hollow's dark magic kill them? she was only 500 years older than them, this plot didn't make much sense.
I know he was bound to Elena before he died and that he became human of the Magic Purification Spell, but what could kill him before that or was he truly immortal.
So as most people know hellfire is a psychic imprint of the moment of Cades Death. So his dimension is full of it. And as of his death no one else should be able to summon hellfire. But in episode 1x1 of Legacies while touring the school Josie said that Dorian incinerated himself with hellfire. But shouldn’t that have killed him? Especially if she used the word incinerated. Anyways do you think it was an exaggeration to get Rafael to apply to the school, or is hellfire truely still a thing in tvdu?
Do some of the Hollow's attributes come from her channeling a lot of sacrificial magic or are they exclusive to her? Such as instantly killing supernatural beings, healing herself from fatal blows, vibrating pure black magic, having almost limitless channeling and even raw magical strength in attack spells, why did I imagine these abilities were because of channeling sacrificial magic , just as Bonnie did some of these feats when channeling expression, are these her abilities of Hollow or from her use of sacrificial magic?
In which episodes during the series were Klaus and Elijah able to use their telepathy or mentally communicate with other people without touching? I just saw the telepathy article and it says they did this, is there a specific episode? Why don't I remember this in the series, I always thought the telepathy in the originals was just tactile.
When Esther created the Original Vampires, we know that she added to the spell a mystical bond that would kill all the vampires created by the Originals if any of them died. The thing is, this link is a separate spell from Esther's Immortality Spell, or is intrinsically part of the Spell?
And if it's part of the Immortality Spell, does that mean that Alaric also had a Sireline Link to whom he transformed? And Marcel too?
So, we all know what the outcome was when Lizzie went up against Hope when she tried to kill her with the Red Oak Stake. When Hope killed Lizzie, Lizzie briefly spoke with Josie (somehow AFTER dying). Lizzie said that she had an “insurance plan” if things wen bad. And that insurance plan was drinking vampire blood incase she died so she could come back as a vampire. My question is, why couldn’t she use a protection spell instead? A protection spell could, as the name implies, protect a witch from permanently dying should said witch be killed. I get the writers probably wanted a better story line and also solves the merge, but in season 2 when Lizzie was in the prison world with Sebastian, she said she THOUGHT about becoming a vampire to solve the merge, but didnt want to do it due losing her mortal life and the ability have a family naturally. And from what i have read on different resources, casting this spell doesn’t require much. Bonnie used it when she had the power of 100 dead witches and was going up against Klaus who at the time was in the body of Alaric. It was then used again when Davina killed Celeste and Celeste came back to life after having her neck snapped. It was then used yet again on Davina when she was killed by Klaus from being poisoned. Any witch can cast it, so why didnt Lizzie?
A witch can actually become more powerful after defeating a stronger opponent?, Bonnie after dealing with certain more powerful witches she gained more experience and self-control, and Freya too although Freya's situation was being disconnected from Dahlia and no longer being channeled, because this wore down her magic, is this story/theory real or is it just speculation? I've never seen it mentioned in the series.
Fellow newbie to the TVD universe (suuuuper late i know, took me a while to finally give TVD a chance, and it didn’t disappoint) So i just finished Legacies, and i watched it for Lizzie and Josie. What i was looking forward to the most for them was the Merge. While yes Lizzie dying and turning into a hybrid solved it, I have a question, why did they need to merge if there was literally no one left alive in the Gemini Coven? As I recall, every member of the Gemini Coven died as a result of Kai killing himself while he was the Coven Leader. The Saltzman twins survive and are literally the only ones alive. Why must they merge if there is no coven for them to lead? Why is it their “duty” or “destiny” to do it? Couldn’t they just not recite the incantation for the merge and live long mortal lives with there own families? Couldn’t they just ignore it and think “there is no coven, why do i gotta risk killing myself or my twin if there is nothing to lead?”
After 6 years, 4 restarts, watching out of order I have finally finished everything today and it felt amazing. I had tried to watch the pilot for TVD but either I was preoccupied or it wasn’t catching my attention so I would give up on it then a few months later I would try again and the same thing would happen then during Legacies’ s1 midseason break I decided to catch up and I stuck with it to the end every week. During one of the summer hiatus between 1-2 or 2-3 I watched TO and weeped so the only one left was TVD and at this point I had watched up to where TO started and I had blacked out s3 and 4 and begrudgingly watched s5 then it ramped up in s6 with Bamon and Kai then the Heretics came and bored me prolonging my journey and the Sirens were good on paper but not execution and then they brought in the Devil and I was excited for him to be the end all be all but he was undercut by Katherine of all people. I love me some Katherine but it felt like they were happy to get Nina back so they cut the Kade stuff early just to use her one last time. Another option would’ve been to use Kelly Donovan as Katherine but they didn’t. So I have a few questions about what I’ve seen/heard from the fandom and my own; it may just be a case of me misremembering but let me know:
Why does every one hate Tyler Lockwood?
Why do people not like season 7-8?
Did they copy and paste Dorian’s backstory to Alyssa Chang?
So are Damon and Elena just walking around Mystic Falls ignoring everything that’s happening during Legacies?
Was Matt Donovan always this annoying/stern/“I hate everything related to the supernatural”?
Why didn’t Vicky fight off the compulsion to ring the bell?
Who was teaching baby Josie and baby Lizzie magic for them to even be using it at school?
I strongly believe that witch-vampire hybrids would have the ability to compel other vampires due to the fact that we see Marcel compel Elijah with the aid of Vincent casting a spell to open his mind. Lizzie was able to completely knock out the god Ben with just siphoning in a matter of seconds, so I feel like witch-vampire hybrids can just siphon other vampires along or even adding a mind weakening spell and they should be able to easily compel them.
How do some witches have more than "a thousand years of witchcraft practice", if they were killed before that? Some users here in the fandom base the abilities of two specific witches like Hollow and Esther on the basis of 1000 or 1500 years of age in the practice of witchcraft, plus they were killed, and all their experience cannot be speculated in a period they were dead, or can?
Okay, so of course we all know that Niklaus is able to cure a werewolf/hybrid bite with his blood because he's the original hybrid and all of that fun and cool stuff, but why wouldn't another hybrid be able to cure a werewolf bite? Or even another werewolf? I imagine that the only reason Niklaus can cure werewolf bites is because he has werewolf blood flowing through his veins, so, if that's the case, why can't other werewolves and other hybrids cure werewolf bites with their blood? Is it simply because no one ever tried, Klaus has original vampire blood in his veins as well, or is it simply another TVDU plot hole?
Not sure if this is posted somewhere on here, but I've never seen it and I'm curious.
Hey, I've been looking into the Hollow's history and figured that in order to stop her, Freya Or Vincent just needed to stop her access to the sacrificial magic that was the source that fueled her powers, Vincentt and Freya just needed to do that and put a curse on any witch who to raise the cult by passing this magic directly to her, there was no need to panic so much, I imagined that it was necessary for a witch to use the energy of a great sacrifice to be able to feed the spell that would block her and also her cults, since for her resurrecting her required the same excess of magic as a great sacrifice, but it wasn't quite like that Vincentt stopped her only by dividing her spirits with the help of the Hollow's mother after visiting her spirit, was it really like that or she just needed to be killed possessing immortals like it happened at the end of The Originals?