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[Three years from now, Stefan has just arrived outside a storage facility in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK and is in the middle of dialing a number on his phone when he quickly gets out of his car. He's wearing the same gray tshirt and jeans that he was wearing in the flash-forward in Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, and his tshirt has a large bloody stain right over his chest. It is presumably right before Stefan woke Damon up from his desiccation. After a moment, Tyler, who is driving on an UNKNOWN STREET in some metropolitan city and who is wearing a fancy suit, answers the phone using the bluetooth in his car]

TYLER: Hello?
STEFAN: [frantically] Tyler, it's Stefan. Have you spoken to Caroline?
TYLER: [sighs] No, and please don't ask me to. I have no desire to get mixed up in your drama with her.
STEFAN: [anxiously] Listen to me-- my scar opened up. I don't have much time. I need you to warn Caroline. She's not taking my calls.

[Tyler seems both stunned and concerned by this news and pauses before he finally responds]

TYLER: Okay, I'm on it. But you should be running.
STEFAN: I'm way ahead of you. Take care of yourself, Tyler.

[Stefan hangs up the phone and finishes packing a leather duffle bag with all of the important belongings in his car, including passports, money, stakes, and a change of clothes. Once he's finished, he removes the bag from the trunk of his car and pulls out a tank of gasoline, which he begins to pour all over the car and the rest of the contents of the trunk that he's leaving behind. Once he's done, he pulls out a lighter and lights it, but before he can throw it in the car, he pauses at the sight of his journal laying on top of the trunk's contents. Panting from exertion, he pulls the journal out of the car at the last minute and then throws the lighter into the trunk. He wastes no time turning and walking away as the flames grow larger and engulf his beloved Porsche]



[Bonnie is sitting on the window seat in her dorm room at WHITMORE COLLEGE and writing in her diary. As she writes, Bonnie narrates her entry in voiceover]

BONNIE: [voiceover] Dear Elena... Not to dive into the bad news first, but there's a severe drought of good news lately. And, well... this sort of concerns you. Lily's hiding your coffin somewhere. She promised to keep you safe as long as Damon stays out of Mystic--

[Suddenly, Bonnie is overcome with more visions like the ones she got from touching the Phoenix Stone in the previous episode. The visions are once again about at least one man who is covered in blood and screaming in agony as he's tortured, and multiple flashes of a cross-shaped wound on his chest are seen as well]

[The scene cuts to some time later, where Bonnie is just beginning to come to after having fainted from the intensity of the visions. She jolts upright when she realizes what happened and looks panicked as she tries to catch her breath]

[Meanwhile, Damon, fresh out of the shower, walks into the living room of ALARIC'S APARTMENT, where he's sitting in a chair, reading a book and examining the Phoenix Stone. When Alaric hears him coming, he immediately hides the stone in his nearby duffle bag. The room is a mess-- his coffee table is covered in empty liquor and beer bottles, and there are clothes strewn everywhere]

DAMON: You seen my phone?
ALARIC: I've, uh, seen your empties, your dinner...

[He holds up a black and blue disposable razor that was laying on the coffee table as well]

ALARIC: Your razor.

[He tosses the razor back on the table before sitting back and sighing]

ALARIC: You know, some clothes would be nice.

[Damon sees his phone laying under Alaric's legs and smacks them playfully as he bends over to grab it from under him]

DAMON: Got it!
ALARIC: [exasperatedly] How long are you planning on crashing here, Damon? You know, you could compel yourself a whole sorority house if you wanted to.
DAMON: [smirks] And miss this Odd Couple squalor? I'm starting to enjoy the luxury of having one barely-functional shower-head after years of being tortured by the four that I have in my actual home.

[Alaric gives him an annoyed look, and Damon sighs]

DAMON: Relax! It's just 'til we hunt down Lily's lone-wolf Heretic and swap him out for my girlfriend in a coma.
ALARIC: [skeptically] Yeah? And, uh, how long until that happens, huh?

[Damon checks a message on his phone]

DAMON: Pretty soon, thanks to Donovan. A phrase no one has uttered... ever.

[He chuckles in amusement]

DAMON: He's checking Lily's cell phone records.

[Just then, Bonnie walks into the room with an irritated look on her face]

DAMON: Hi, Bon-Bon!

[When Bonnie sees Damon in a towel, she pauses, clearly creeped out]

BONNIE: Please tell me I'm not interrupting something...
ALARIC: [defensively] Oh, trust me-- you're not. What's up?
BONNIE: That Phoenix Stone that I touched yesterday... you did destroy it like you promised me, correct?
ALARIC: [alarmed] Why? What happened?
BONNIE: I just had another vision-- a flash of horrified people with x-shaped wounds on their skin. And, when I opened my eyes, ten minutes had gone by.

[Alaric squirms uncomfortably in his chair, but tries his best to look casual]

ALARIC: The stone's gone. I, you know, watched in dissolve in hydrofluoric acid.
BONNIE: [suspiciously] You're positive?
ALARIC: [scoffs] Bonnie, the stone's gone.

[Just then, Damon returns to the conversation]

DAMON: Who wants to go to Myrtle Beach?
BONNIE: I'm busy.
DAMON: Well, that's too bad, because Lily made a bunch of phone calls that bounced off a cell tower there, and something tells me she's not making plans for her spring break.
BONNIE: [confused] Why would Lily send one of her Heretics to Myrtle Beach?
DAMON: Tell you what-- you ask him yourself after he's safe in my car's trunk, hmmm? So, anyone up for an old-fashioned hostage-swap?
ALARIC: Does agreeing to go mean you putting on pants?

[Damon smirks gleefully and pulls the towel off of his waist before throwing it at Alaric. Bonnie, getting an eyeful of Damon's now-naked body, covers her eyes with her hand]

DAMON: I'll even give you shotgun!


[Caroline is sitting on Stefan's bed in his old bedroom, where she's continuing to read his journal. As she reads, Stefan's voice narrates the entry in voiceover]

STEFAN: [voiceover] Valerie was like a breath of fresh air. I'd been suffocating, and hadn't even realized it...

[Caroline's reading is interrupted by an music box, which appears on the nightstand next to her, playing a quiet song as the ballerina inside spins around. The music box then disappears, causing Caroline to frown in confusion until the music box pops onto the desk. It then disappears again and reappears in front of Caroline on the bed. Before Caroline can even process this, the box explodes like a bomb with such intensity that Caroline is thrown off of the bed. She tumbles onto the floor and is covered by a shower of splintered wood as the sound of two women giggling in the next room is heard. Caroline groans in annoyance and sighs]

CAROLINE: [shouts] UGH! Thanks, Nora and Mary Louise! Real classy!

[She props herself onto her elbows and lowers her voice]

CAROLINE: I hate you both.

[Just then, a cell phone on the floor begins to buzz, and Caroline, both confused and excited, scampers over to answer it. It's Stefan, who is at the MYSTIC GRILL]

STEFAN: [confused] Caroline?
CAROLINE: [relieved] Stefan!?
STEFAN: How are you on my phone right now?
CAROLINE: You must have dropped it when you got threshold-vacuumed out of here yesterday.
STEFAN: [worried] How are you? Are you okay?
CAROLINE: Well, I'm spelled into your room by a menagerie of mean girls, but other than that...
STEFAN: [sighs] I know. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get into the house.
CAROLINE: I'll be fine. Just keep Damon from killing any more Heretics.
STEFAN: I will. Lily's only keeping you there to turn me against Damon. I'll convince her that I hate his guts, and she'll have made her point.

[Caroline frowns, clearly uncomfortable with the subject she's about to bring up, but also too curious not to ask him about it]

CAROLINE: Who's Valerie Tulle? You wrote about her in your journal from 1863. She must have found a copy in the Prison World.
STEFAN: [stunned] Are you talking about one of the Heretics?
CAROLINE: Yeah. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes? She's one of my new psycho housemates...

[Suddenly, Valerie appears behind her and squeezes the hand Caroline is using to hold the phone so tightly she's forced to drop it on the floor, even as Valerie is burned by the vervain in Caroline's skin]

CAROLINE: [moans] UGH!
STEFAN: [concerned] Caroline?
VALERIE: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, psycho-- summarized me to a tee!

[Valerie kicks Caroline's head so hard that she is knocked out, and she crumples in a heap on the floor]


[Stefan, now very worried, continues to try to get a hold of Caroline on his phone, to no avail]

STEFAN: Caroline?

[When his phone beeps to indicate the call has ended, he groans in frustration and hangs up. Just then, he hears the sound of glass shattering behind the Grill and rushes outside to see what is going on. When he gets outside, he sees Lily, who is in the driver's seat of an older car and is in the middle of parking between Stefan's Porsche and another car. She hits the latter's front bumper, knocking it off, and sighs in annoyance before slowly inching forward. When Stefan sees her heading for his car, he vamp-speeds until he's standing in between the Porsche and Lily's car]

STEFAN: You can take my town, you can destroy my house, but you will not touch my car!

[Lily, realizing Stefan is behind her, turns off her car and gets out to greet him]

LILY: Good morning, Stefan.
STEFAN: [confused] What are you doing?
LILY: I was out practicing my driving and saw an opportunity to work on my parallel parking.

[Suddenly, the sound of hissing air is heard as Lily's car slumps slightly on one side. Stefan and Lily walk around the car to check out one of the driver's-side tires]

LILY: [embarrassed] I must have run over a nail or something. The streets around here are a disgrace.
STEFAN: Listen-- you need to tell those spoiled brats living in my house to stop torturing Caroline.
LILY: [calmly] Of course. As soon as you tell your brother to stop killing said spoiled brats.

[Lily opens up the trunk of her car to search for the tool box to start repairing her flat tire]

STEFAN: Damon and I aren't really speaking right now.
LILY: [surprised] Really?
STEFAN: [shrugs] I have no idea where he is. Apparently, you did both of us a favor when you told him to leave town.
LILY: Then I will give a lecture to the girls on their manners.
STEFAN: [frowns] Is one of those girls named Valerie Tulle?
LILY: [smiles] I was wondering when you might put those pieces together. I knew Valerie years before you did. She worked in my TB ward. After I turned, I took her under my wing. If memory serves me, you didn't meet her until 1863.
STEFAN: [suspiciously] How would you know that I met her?
LILY: Because, Stefan... I sent her to you.

[Suddenly, they're both transported to a flashback]


[The county fair is underway near Mystic Falls, and the fairgrounds are full of people. Stefan, dressed in a fine day suit, is sitting on a bench and writing in his journal when Valerie, wearing the traditional day gown of the time period, approaches him]

VALERIE: You have to move.
STEFAN: [confused] Excuse me?
VALERIE: [smiles] Your sad mood is spoiling the fun for everyone!

[Both Valerie and Stefan laugh in amusement]

VALERIE: I'm Valerie Tulle.
STEFAN: Stefan Salvatore. Are you new to town?
VALERIE: Just passing through.
STEFAN: [smiles] I hope not too fast.

[Valerie seems surprised by his kindness and smiles back at him]


[Caroline finally comes to after being knocked out and moans in pain]

CAROLINE: Ohhh....

[Valerie, who is standing in front of where she's laying on the floor, holds up Stefan's journal. When Caroline sees her, she sits up quickly]

VALERIE: How do you have this?
CAROLINE: [hesitates] Nora gave it to me. What was the deal with you and Stefan?

[Valerie sits in a nearby chair and smirks at her]

VALERIE: Wouldn't you like to know?

[Caroline, unable to resist her curiosity, switches to mean-girl tactics]

CAROLINE: [sarcastically] You know what? You're right. I'm already in enough pain. The last thing I need to think about is some girl who batted her eyelashes at Stefan, like, a million years ago.
VALERIE: [amused] "Some girl?" I wasn't just some girl to him, Caroline. I was the first love of Stefan's life.


[Stefan and Lily continue to talk outside while Stefan helps her change her flat tire]

STEFAN: Why did you send Valerie to me?
LILY: To check on you. Like any mother longing for her children, I was in a black hole of depression.

[Stefan's expression is skeptical, but Lily just shoots him a stern look]

LILY: Yes, Stefan, I'm more than the cold-hearted snake you and your brother wish me to be. It took me a long time to get over losing you.

[She sighs]

LILY: Anyway, I had been invited to travel to Europe with a... a vampire gentleman-friend of mine, but I refused to leave until I knew that my boys were okay.
STEFAN: [chuckles] Heh. A gentleman-friend. You had a boyfriend?
LILY: His name was Julian.

[Stefan continues to chuckle, which makes Lily blush]

LILY: What? You're acting as if that's absurd.
STEFAN: Well, your first husband shot and killed his own sons, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't trust your type.

[Lily's smile falls, and she's visibly offended by this insinuation]

LILY: Julian was nothing like your father.
STEFAN: [sarcastically] No? What was he? A nebbishy banker? Town butcher, perhaps?
LILY: [sighs] Julian was the man you are not supposed to fall for. So, of course, I did...


[The county fair is still in full swing, and a well-dressed blonde man, Julian, is running a kissing booth where women can pay two pennies, which will be donated to the Confederate Army, to kiss him. He dips one of his customers as he kisses her, and when he breaks away and helps the woman upright, she gasps and fans herself. Julian then turns to the crowd to address them]

JULIAN: For the soldiers!

[The crowd cheers for him]

JULIAN: Have your tickets ready, ladies! The men on the battlefield need us!

[Julian smiles at the crowd, and looks at a nearby woman who has come up to kiss him]

JULIAN: [quietly] Hello.

[Julian's smile fades when he sees Valerie and Stefan sitting together on a nearby bench. Valerie tosses a piece of popcorn at Stefan, who tries to catch it in his mouth, but it misses and lands on the ground next to him]

VALERIE: You have to hold still! It will be delicious, I promise.

[She tosses a piece of popcorn at him again, but he just barely misses it, and the two laugh. Just then, Julian approaches them, looking displeased]

JULIAN: Oh, ho ho ho! Aren't we lady-like?

[Valerie's face becomes serious when she sees him]

VALERIE: Stefan... Meet Julian.

[Stefan, eager to make a good impression, stands to shake his hand]

STEFAN: Your daughter and I were just appreciating the scientific wonder of gravitational force!

[Stefan chuckles nervously, but Julian just looks at him condescendingly]

JULIAN: Hmm. How wise you must sound to less intelligent men.

[Valerie, visibly worried, stands to try to mediate]

VALERIE: Julian is not my father.
STEFAN: [embarrassed] Oh, uh, my apologies! I just assumed--
JULIAN: [cuts him off] Incorrectly, as it turns out.

[Julian gives Valerie a significant look]

JULIAN: Valerie, darling-- a word?

[He grabs her by the arm and pulls her aside, much to Valerie's displeasure]

VALERIE: [quietly] Ugh, you're wrinkling my dress, Julian!
JULIAN: [angrily] What are you doing?
VALERIE: Lily sent us here to get a sense of his mood...
JULIAN: Exactly. His mood, not his manhood. Remember, his mother gave very strict instructions for us to keep our distance. Do not displease her.
VALERIE: I have everything under control.


[Caroline and Valerie are still sitting in Stefan's room, where Valerie continues to tell her story]

VALERIE: I was lying I wasn't prepared for how taken I was with him. He was gorgeous and sweet...

[Caroline scoffs and interrupts her]

CAROLINE: And that's when you compelled him to write all those nice things about you in his journal. Spoiler! I've heard this story before, when a sweet, little orphan girl named Katherine Pierce waltzed into his life.
VALERIE: [rolls her eyes] I suppose that would have been easier had I actually had the ability to compel people. I wasn't a vampire back then. I was just a witch, rejected from her coven for being an abomination of nature because I had no power of my own. The only magic I had was contained in an amulet, to be siphoned in times of need.


[Stefan and Valerie are walking through the fair together as they get to know one another]

STEFAN: I have a brother who's away at war, a father who judges me for not joining him, and a mother who was strong and kind. She died when I was ten.

[Valerie looks slightly guilty for deceiving him]

VALERIE: I'm so sorry.
STEFAN: [shrugs] Oh, it was a long time ago.
VALERIE: [smiles] There's no shame in missing her. A man on the outside with the heart of a boy? There are worse things.

[As they walk, they see that Julian is heading right toward them, and looks very unhappy]

STEFAN: [concerned] Your chaperon is... quite persistent.

[Valerie grabs hold of the amulet around her neck and smiles]

VALERIE: Then we shall elude him!

[She takes him by the arm]

STEFAN: [confused] What are you doing?
VALERIE: [chants in a whisper] Invisique.

[Using the amulet, she casts a cloaking spell, causing them both to vanish and forcing a confused Julian to walk past them without seeing them. Stefan looks at her in amazement]

STEFAN: How did he not see us?
VALERIE: [smiles] Would you believe me if I said magic?

[She leads him toward the woods, and Stefan laughs happily]


[Caroline and Valerie continue to sit in Stefan's old room while Valerie tells her story. Caroline looks at her expectantly]

CAROLINE: And then...?
VALERIE: [smirks] None of your business!
CAROLINE: I know why you put that burning spell on me. It's not so Mary Louise and Nora couldn't touch me. It's so Stefan wouldn't.

[Caroline rolls her eyes]

CAROLINE: [snarkily] Be more obvious.
VALERIE: Well, since you're so curious... Please, allow me to continue.


[Night has fallen, and Stefan and Valerie are making out in the woods]
