This article is about an issue of the Digital Comic. You may be looking for Alaric Saltzman, a character from The Vampire Diaries or Alaric K. Saltzman, a novel character. |
“ | Frankly, I'm lucky I had the advantage of surprise on my side, or he might have ripped my arm clean off. But I did it. I really did it. I killed a vampire. Still, was a lot of work. But it gave me some ideas on how to improve things. | ” |
— Alaric
Alaric is the sixth volume of The Vampire Diaries Digital Comic and the ninth issue in the series.[1]
Before he became the hot new history teacher in Mystic Falls, Alaric Saltzman taught himself to fight vampires. It wasn't easy-especially when a vampire with very personal reasons for battling him got involved!
Alaric's come back from killing a vampire. He feels like he's sprained his shoulder; if that's the worst of it, then he's lucky. Frankly, he's only managed because he had a surprise attack as an advantage, otherwise, the vampire could have ripped his arm clean off. Regardless, he's killed a vampire, and it's given him some ideas on how to improve to kill the next one. Then, he'll be ready to take out the vampire that took Isobel, his wife.
Meanwhile, Isobel's taken residence in a "For Sale" house. She has two shirtless guys to entertain her; one on the couch, and the other on the floor. She's had fun for the past two days, but there's something else that she needs Paul to do for her. Paul agrees and she opens up her wrist, with her teeth, and has him drink from her vein. It may be unpleasant, but he'll thank her later. With her blood in his system, she breaks his neck. Paul falls to the floor, dead and in transition.
Later, Alaric trains using his crossbow; he's nailed a few arrows in the target. He's gotten better but he still needs to work on firing it while on the run. At least it's nice to have long-range options. He's also worked on his wrist stakes and with a little effort he can conceal them under a sleeve and they'd be perfect for tight corners.
In the woods, watching Alaric, Isobel instructs Paul to attack. He's hungry. All he needs to do is to feed and the transformation is complete. She asks if that's what he wants. For Paul, it is. Isobel unleashes him and he catches Alaric off guard. Still in transition, he has great strength and throws Alaric into a tree. Paul instructs Alaric to get up, that he needs a little help from him; his blood. Alaric questions if he knows him, but he doesn't. Instead, Alaric shoves a stake into Paul's rib-cage. It hurts him, but he removes it. The stake was for starters but wasn't enough. Alaric's wounded too and Paul can smell the blood. That alone is enough for the pain to dissipate in Paul. Alaric frantically searches through his bag, looking for something. He jokes for Paul to sit tight, but Paul doesn't comply; he needs Alaric's blood. Alaric tells him that he's making a huge mistake and pulls out another stake. Paul ignores the new stake. A little pain is worth the effort. Paul lunges at Alaric but he dodges the attack. Instead, Alaric lands the stake in Paul's upper thigh. Alaric was quicker then he though and wonders how long he's going to draw it out. However, Paul falls back in extreme pain, more so than the previous stake. Unlike the last, this stake was doused in vervain. Though not yet a vampire and still only in transition, it has an effect on Paul. This gives Alaric the opening to shoot an arrow into Paul's chest, killing him.
Lurking from the shadows, Isobel watches Alaric end Paul. So many tricks he has up his sleeve. She smirks as Alaric turns and aims his crossbow into the darkness, but she's already gone.
Alaric returns to his apartment. He's drained but grabs a drink. He doesn't know how much more he can take. His phone begins to vibrate. It's an unknown caller, but he answers. It's Brenda Clarke from Mystic Falls High School in Mystic Falls, Virgina. She was asked by her superintendent to give him a call to inform him about his recent teaching application for the vacant teaching position.
Main Characters[]
Supporting Characters[]
- This episode is Alaric's prehistory.
- Mrs. Clarke's first name is stated to be Brenda.
- While in the television series, vervain adversely effects vampires, it's never been used on a human transitioning into vampire. However, considering while in transition, they're technically not vampires, yet, vervain shouldn't have effected Paul.
- Art by: Tony Shasteen
- Colored by: JD Mettler
- Cover by: Alan Quah, Jason Gorder and Garry Henderson
- Page Count: 23
- Age Rating: 15+ Only
See also[]