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The Vampire Diaries Wiki

We're in Limbo. It's the brunch of the bloody afterlife.

Limbo, also referred to as the In-Between, Space between Spaces, or Spectral Plane, is a metaphysical concept and the collective term used for a plane of existence that spirits can briefly stay on or become trapped within after their physical death and before moving on to their intended Afterlife, be it the Other Side, Ancestral Plane, Hell, Peace, or otherwise, in which one exists in an incorporeal state.

Lingering spirits are invisible to the living, even those who possess mediumship. Only the Anchor, Arcadius, and some witches are apparently able to see and interact with them. Some supernatural beings can exist on this plane naturally. Specifically, the Ferryman ferries spirits from Limbo into Peace in his boat and seemingly has dominion over which spirits will crossover.


The creation of Limbo remains unexplored; however, it has existed alongside of Peace for a period over of ten thousand years. After Ken and the other gods crossed over from Peace into the mortal world, more and more humans started arriving in Limbo. After pitying them, Lynn began ferrying them to Peace and for that she was cursed by Ken to do it for all eternity, never to return home and becoming the embodiment of the Ferryman.


Limbo is a purgatory-like plane of existence, just out of reach of Peace. By all appearances, it reflects the natural world devoid of the living and the sun never rises. While some parts of Limbo seem desolate, others places, such as Mystic Falls, is teeming with scores of lost souls, both human and supernatural alike. At least in regards to humans, those in coma can also slip into Limbo, though they remain physically alive.

Spirits of the recently deceased typically appear on this plane of existence momentarily before moving on to their intended Afterlife. Prior to the destruction of the Other Side, spirits would briefly appear to the Anchor and pass through them. In one notable instance, Katherine while in Limbo was not permitted access to the Other Side and was instead dragged into Hell. After the Other Side's destruction, spirits would temporarily linger within the plane before being violently sucked into Hell. Similarly, it is assumed that Ancestral spirits would linger here as well before being consecrated to the Earth and joining the Ancestral Plane.

System of Coins[]

Landon theorizes that the whole point of Limbo is to atone for the mistakes of your life. Once you've done that, the boat to Peace awaits. This is typically in the form of making amends with someone you've wronged and either been forgiven or accepting another person's apology. Once this has happened, a gold coin is presented to the person where they can then present it to the Ferryman. In other instances, some people are required to atone for a greater degree of misdeeds. This is represented in the form of various sized jars that a person may have to fill with coins. For example, Landon mused that the three jars between him, Alaric and the Necromancer, needed a few thousand coins to give to the Ferryman. He also discovered that helping lost souls reach Peace was another avenue to atone and believe most people were stuck in Limbo as a result of parents, sex, or God. If they could help them get over their spiritual damage, then they too would get a coin. Lynn explains that after her heart went numb, she tried to keep caring about all the souls, but after a while, she heard so many sob stories, everyone's reasons and excuses became overwhelming. She developed the system of coins to remove emotion from the equation. She thought if she could quantify a person's worthiness, it would make things simple. However, she grew cynical and, over the centuries, lost her way and became the gangly skeleton. She resigned herself to the fact that nothing would ever change. Resigning the role to Landon, she hoped he'd find a new, better way to do things in Limbo.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series[]

Season Eight[]

In The Lies Will Catch Up To You, when Stefan was dying Arcadius explained that this was the space in between his final heartbeats. Between this world and his fate.

In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, after Damon was completely siphoned by Malachai Parker, he explained it as the space between spaces and on death's literal doorstep. In simple terms, limbo. However, he bargained with Damon to retrieve his ashen dagger for him in exchange for Elena. After he sacrificed himself for Stefan and Elena, Arcadius and Bonnie had a battle of wills over Damon’s soul. After Stefan killed Arcadius, the resulting blast knocked Damon’s spirit back into his body.

Throughout Legacies Series[]

Season Three[]

In We're Not Worthy, Landon was briefly in Limbo. Saying his goodbyes for Hope, Landon attempted to walk into Peace, though his spirit was stopped by the Necromancer. A witch of unusual talents for Necromancy, he could physically interact with his spirit, even dragging him back to the Salvatore School so he could be resurrected. Curiously, Rafael could also see Landon's spirit to which the Necromancer assumed was a result of being recently attached to him in death.

Season Four[]

In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, Hope's spirit was sent to Limbo after she consensually had Freya kill her so she could transition into a fully activated tribrid. Upon meeting the Ferryman, he granted her passage on his boat into peace.

In See You On The Other Side, Hope considers the Ferryman's offer, but the Necromancer dissuades her. She even suggests that he jump into the Ferryman's boat, but he tells her he can't. He has nothing the Ferryman will accept. Hope, however, does because she spent her whole life being a hero where he wasted centuries being a villain. Hope believes if she chooses Peace, she'll have guilt over taking the easy way out otherwise he doesn't believe she'll be able to handle the grief if she has to kill Landon. Ultimately, she chooses to begin her transition by diving into the river, leaving Limbo. After Malivore's death by Hope within his vessel, Landon joined the Necromancer within Limbo.

In You're A Long Way From Home, Oscar resides within Limbo for an untold number of years after having been sacrificed by the Necromancer. After the two reunite, the Necromancer reveals the truth to him, hoping that it will set him free. He urges him to leave this misplaced trust behind so he doesn't miss a chance at Peace because of him. Oscar accepts his apology and a coin appears in his hand, granting him passage from the Ferryman to enter Peace. Alaric's life hangs in the balance after being attacked by Hope and remains within a coma. Though his body is stable, his mind is gone, according to MG, resulting in his spirit or consciousness appearing within Limbo.

In You Will Remember Me, Alaric enjoys a milkshake with the Necromancer and Landon in the Salvatore Crypt in Limbo. He reviews the rules over limbo with them, and that the only way to get to Peace is if they have a coin, which the only way to get is if he does something good, like reconciling with someone from their past. Landon has a theory that the whole point of Limbo is to atone for the mistakes of your life. Once they've done that, the boat to Peace awaits. The rules of Limbo are funny and the Necromancer questions how they can hold and taste their milkshakes. To Alaric though, that doesn't even matter. After the Necromancer made his way into Limbo, he discovered that it's teeming with scores of lost souls and if Landon's theory is correct, they have numerous people they can help to get coins. Now that they know the rules they can cheat the system. Once they get themselves a third coin, they can leave Limbo, but they can steal the boat and return to the world of the living.

In the Town Square, Alaric asks the Merman to forgive him. Seemingly able to communicate with him, the Merman hisses in frustration. Alaric reassures him that he had no idea about the land mine that killed him. If he had, he would have warned him. The Merman spits out water at him and walks off, annoyed. The Necromancer hands him a towel and Alaric questions since when are monsters in Limbo. He's been pondering the same thing while he's been failing. Perhaps they've always gone here, just like them, or it could be a result of Malivore's destruction. Either way, they're not sticking around long enough to find out. The Necromancer points out that he's not excelling at making amends, though Landon appears with Vera Lilien, who isn't particularly happy to see him. She questions Landon about how he can help her.

Alaric talks with Vera, but believes everything to be insane. She questions Alaric if he actually expects her to forgive him for running a supernatural school in their town and not telling any of the people whose lives were destroyed, including her daughter. It's a lot, but he's here to make peace for both of their sakes. She denies him, reminding him that her daughter was eaten by a giant spider. Alaric spins the conversation back to her. He didn't even know she had died. She claims she died of a broken heart, and lung cancer. She questions how he's not in hell, but it's been destroyed. This, however, is their hell. She berates him, asking why he's even bothering with apologizing if he clearly doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Landon believes her point. Alaric quips back at her for her being hypocritical. She is trapped in Limbo because she and her daughter are two of the world's most miserable people. She asks if he's even met his daughter, but Lizzie has nothing to do with it. As erratic and intolerable as she finds Elizabeth, she forgives her. She's only screwed up because he is her father. This realization, however, grants her a coin. Alaric tries to grab it from her, but she snatches it away. He deserves to be trapped here with all of his regret. She asks directions for the boat to peace and Landon points her back the way they originally came. Alaric is mad that Landon took her side, but he walks off to try and find someone else. Turning back to the Necromancer, Alaric exclaims that they're never getting out of there. However, he knows exactly who Alaric needs to talk to.

Landon returns to the Salvatore School, admiring a photo of him and Hope. Alaric finds him, though he apologizes. Alaric tells him there's no need as the Necromancer pointed out that he is the person he needs to talk to. Landon doesn't understand. He didn't know what he'd get him into when Hope brought him to the school, but he allowed him to stay. Landon explains that his school was his home, the only one he really had. He gave up everything, including his life, for it. Landon doesn't regret it. He was ready to move on to Peace until he showed it. Landon, however, wants to find his way back to Hope to help her. Alaric explains in order to do that, he has to give everything up all over again. Landon believes he thought he had already done enough that his and Hope's choice mattered even though they couldn't do it together. They fought their fate for so long and they fulfilled it. He tells Alaric he has no idea what he's supposed to do now. Alaric tells him he's sorry and pulls him into a hug, gaining his coin to Peace.

In I Can't Be the One to Stop You, Alaric, Landon and the Necromancer make their way back to the Ferryman on the dock. Alaric plans to jump the Ferryman as soon as they get on board the boat and get back home. The Necromancer wonders if they can detour and drop him off in Peace, but quickly foregoes the comment. Approaching the Ferryman, he stretches out a hand, seeing what they've come to offer. They each present their coins to him and, in turn, he places each of the coins into three separate jars, pointing to each of them as he did so. Landon's jar however, is much smaller than Alaric and the Necromancer's and he figures they owe more than one coin.

The Necromancer and Alaric drink since they have larger jars to fill with coins. Alaric attempts to justify his actions, believing that each of the lives he's taken had it coming. The Necromancer points out that the system isn't just since Landon is atoning for things that he did while under Malivore's control. Landon appears and tells them they have work to do. All those people in town are potential coins. All they have to do is help them let go of whatever is keeping them from passing over. He believes it comes down to one of three things, usually: parents, sex, and God. They need to figure out their damage and then it's a spiritual jackpot. With renewed spirit, the three of them spread out, determined to go home.

The Necromancer wallows in self-pity, stuck out with helping lost souls, as Landon enters the Salvatore Crypt. He thinks Landon is there to gloat, and he shows him his jar, full of coins. He assumes this is proof that he's a far better person than he is. Being honest with him, the Necromancer never thought he had a chance at Peace. Never. Even when he was on that dock yelling at the Ferryman. He knew deep down that he was right. Except for one brief moment when he and Landon first got their coins. In that second, he thought it was possible. It's a shame to lose him in a place like this, for all the souls he's already helped. Landon dumps half of his coins into the Necromancer's jar, telling him he's not going anywhere yet. Alaric enters the crypt. This is taking far too long and they've got to find another way out of Limbo. Landon questions if there's even another way out, but he has someone with him that can help. The sphinx steps out from behind him. What an unforeseeable surprise.

In The Story of My Life, the sphinx had given Alaric, Landon, and the Necromancer a new riddle; "If you pray twice a day beneath a false face, you'll be as blue in the face as I am. Who am I?" Eventually, they discover it refers to the Clock Tower and below it they find a bar ran by a jinni.

In Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost, Zied offers Alaric, Landon, and the Necromancer a contract for the three of them to sign to get their three wishes, one wish for each of them. After reading the contract, Alaric learns he wants their souls. Three wishes for three souls.

Though displeased, the Necromancer agrees to sign the contract with certain terms, such as he will be the last one to use the last wish. Zied accepts. Landon uses the first wish, though in their desperation, it was carelessly worded and the Ferryman dragged them back to Limbo.

The Necromancer, frustrated, wants to go ahead and wish himself to Peace, though Landon reminds him he still has the third wish. Based on what they now know, Alaric's wish has a lot to accomplish. It's got to bring their souls back from Limbo, put them back into their bodies, two of which are dead, one of which is alive, and somehow has to bypass the Ferryman's powers so we don't just end up back in Limbo.

Landon and the Necromancer question some of the other souls in service to Zied. When they return from speaking with a kraken, they've managed to gather some useful intel. No one's ever beat the jinni. However, Alaric has already made the second wish as Landon notices the Necromancer's eye has changed colors. He wished for him to become "the Necromancer" once again.

The Necromancer, fighting his darker impulses and apparently rotting, is furious with Alaric. He doesn't understand how he would betray him and then believe he would do as exactly as he said. Alaric believes that the Necromancer can bring them back to life and still use his third wish to reach Peace. He threatens to just use his wish right now, but doesn't know why he won't. Alaric believes it's because he's changed, just like when he sacrificed himself for his students. Alaric explains that if there was any other way, he would have wished for it, but his powers are the only thing that can bring them back to life without the Ferryman interfering. The Necromancer makes them leave the crypt, telling them he needs time to concentrate to do the spell.

The Necromancer, now back to his former self, emerges from the crypt. His problem is solved, and just the beginning of theirs. Though he's grateful to be back, he won't be resurrecting them. He'd rather use the final wish to punish them. However, Landon comes clean and explains that if he wanted to torture them, then he would send them back home. Ultimately, he sends Alaric back, believing he'd fail and he'd have to leave with known that Landon will be stuck in Limbo alongside himself.

The Necromancer drags Landon back to the bar, offering Zied his soul for his salvation army. Zied reminds him that he'll be joining Landon too unless he wishes himself to Peace. However, the Necromancer wishes himself to be free of his contract. That is just what Zied expected. Landon assumes that Alaric screwed him over on his way out. Alaric had wished for him to become the Necromancer again, but that his powers only be capable of returning him and Landon back to life. He also specified that if he wished for anything other than Peace, their third and final wish would be rendered null and void. The Necromancer's servitude begins at midnight.

In The Only Way Out is Through, the Necromancer and Landon learn from Elvis of a bandit stealing Zied's coins. The Necromancer thinks that since their enemy has an enemy, they can use them as a means to escape.

The Necromancer stands on Mulberry Street, dramatically acting if he has a large bag of coins for Zied. Landon appears, wondering if he's laying it on a bit thick. Landon however actually has a bag of coins, though true to his word, they're partners. The first rule is you don't leave each other behind. Though he still thinks this is a bad idea. He makes the Necromancer a deal. If the bandit is worse than Zied, then they find another way and he accepts. Darts fly out of the darkness, striking them both in the neck and a van pulls up in front of them. Covering them in black hoods, people pull them into the van.

In I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, Landon and the Necromancer learn that their kidnapper is none other than Landon's mother, Seylah Chelon. Leaving the Necromancer behind in a warehouse, the two catch up and talk, eventually Landon showing her that he's went into business for himself and helping people reach Peace. Landon offers to sit and talk with her and eventually he helps her receive a coin for herself. Together, the leave to see the Ferryman and the two exchange goodbyes as Seylah finds Peace. When he turns to leave, Hope appears before him. Surprised to see her, he rushes towards her and they embrace in a tight hug.

In Into the Woods, Hope slips into Limbo after her confrontation with Ken ends up leaving her in a brief coma. Hope intends to use the Necromancer to bring Landon back to life, which he inadvertently does, having mistaken Hope to actually be dead. Despite his brief resurrection, the Ferryman drags him back to Limbo. After Landon convinces Hope to leave and live out her life, Landon learns that the Ferryman trade Zied's contract for Landon's soul in return for his passage to Peace.

In By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, the Ferryman has come to fetch Landon, wanting him to come have a drink. The Ferryman reveals her true identity to him as Lynn, a god and Ken's sister. Lynn is sure that he needs to hear her entire story, because she needs his help. Ultimately, he reminds her of who she used to be and wants to return to her home, Peace. She can do this by giving the job to someone she finds worry enough. Landon ultimately accepts and, in his new role to ferry souls, he transforms the Necromancer back into his human-nature and takes him to Peace.

In This Can Only End in Blood, a dead soldier tries to get to Peace with a jar of coins, however, Landon explains that he's trying to do things a little differently than the Ferryman. Instead of things attached to a monetary value, he decides to use something personal, something from his past that he needs to let go to move on. The corpse reaches into his pocket and places a pocket watch on the countertop. Inside, it has a picture of a woman. Landon accepts and tells him that it will work. He'll meet him down at the dock.

Before long, Landon is approached by Kaleb, then eventually, MG and Jed—all having died in some capacity by Ken. They need to return to the mortal plane, but he confesses that what they're asking him do can only be done once. Breaking the rules of Limbo has a price—one that he has to pay. Should he change the delicate balance between life and death, a part of him will change–his emotions, his empathy–will start to fade. As selfless as he his, Landon sends them back to face Ken.

Later, drinking with the soldier, he tells the man he didn't forget to send him to Peace, only that he just got a little sidetracked and some old friends needed his help. However, before he can do just that, Ethan comes into the bar, realizing he's dead, too.

In Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?, Landon explains that Ethan's in Limbo, having recently died, but not to worry because of the sacrifice he made for their friends, he should have him on the boat to Peace in no time. Landon is sure he'll see it for himself when they figure out what's holding him back. Ethan already knows. He doesn't want to go to Peace and wants to go back to life. He was just getting good at living. Landon breaks the news that it's not an option. Ethan is confused considering he brought the other back, but Landon explains that there was a price. Though the details are fuzzy, he does know that Nature won't let him do it again. Ethan doesn't understand what he's supposed to do now, but Landon assures him that he'll be by his side, here to help him figure it out, though not before he's summoned by Hope.

Returning to Limbo, the bar empty as Ethan listened to what the lost souls had to say, the same way that Landon listened to him. Most seemed to have solid breakthroughs and explained that they'll be back to talk about what those are with him. Ethan hopes he didn't overstep, but Landon tells him he did great. Bringing their past conversation up, Landon reminds him that he deserves Peace. Ethan isn't sure he wants to go. His life taught him that there's no shame in being the sidekick and he prefers "Rescue Guy." For Landon, that's perfect timing because he needs help tracking someone down.

Ethan searches for Klaus Mikaelson, but returns to the bar informing Landon that word on the street is that he's already left. Even thought this was a good thing, Landon was hoping that he could help a friend with something they really needed. Since the only way to contact Peace is to actually be at Peace, that isn't an option for him. However, he's a metaphysical miracle and came up with a plan to give Klaus a message through Ethan and pass it along to Hope.




See also[]
