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This article is about the character. You may be looking for Malivore, an episode of Legacies, or the dimension.

I heard the remarkable story of Malivore, created to wipe the scourge of the supernatural off the face of this Earth. Malivore consumed us, erased us. It was permanent death. And it was in Malivore that we were left to perish.

Malivore, also known as Eater of the Dark, was a golem who appeared in the fifteenth episode of the first season and the main antagonist of Legacies. Malivore was created from black magic, capable of consuming supernaturals and humans; however, the original three species that were instrumental in its creation can not be harmed by it. The golem consumes its targets into a dark, purgatorial-like, "hell" dimension designed to cleanse the earth of "monsters". Once contained within Malivore, the creatures' existence is wiped from the collective conscience and mainly remembered as myths and folklore. When Malivore was contained and returned to its natural state, a black pit, it retained Malivore's properties capable of consuming supernatural and human beings.

Early History[]

Around a millennia ago, in certain parts of the world, there were monsters. And in one region there was no monster more terrifying than dragons. No other supernatural faction was any match for dragons on their own, so an unholy alliance was formed. A witch, a werewolf, and a vampire, the "Triad", combined their blood, using black magic to create a golem capable of consuming the dragons. The spell, however, also made it unable to harm witches, werewolves, or vampires. When the dragons, in human form, returned to collect the treasure from all the villages they had attacked, Malivore was waiting for them; it took them and consumed them, swallowing them into an endless space inside itself.

With each monster's DNA it absorbed, it evolved and became sentient and truly alive. Once the region was cleared of all the monsters, the Triad wanted to return him to mud and since they were the ones who created him, only they could destroy him by wiping away the symbol on his forehead. However, Malivore betrayed his creators and made a deal with all the humans he'd saved. The humans set the creature free to wander the earth and continue consuming, erasing all memory that the monsters ever existed. But over time, he realized he was alone and fashioned beings like him; his children. However, the beings that were created were imperfect and flawed and none of them had his powers. They all had weaknesses and all were sterile, unable to reproduce, and continue his legacy. Malivore was created to be the only one of his kind and was never intended to be a species or have a bloodline of his own.

In 1308, Mutsu Province, Japan, Malivore encountered Kurutta, host to an oni that could not fully control his faculties. Kurutta attacked Malivore with his sword but proved ineffective. Malivore then consumed him and the oni.

In 1464, by the Niger River in what is now Nigeria in West Africa, Malivore approached a magical village, searching for something special. He threatened to destroy the village, but the village's muse offered herself in exchange to spare the village. He accepted, though the muse's granddaughter offered herself in her place. Malivore accepted and Cleo left with him as his servant, forced to create monsters to satiate his hunger. Eventually, she was inspired to create his "perfect vessel", the Vitruvian Man. He, however, could not let such power go and denied Cleo her freedom. He pledged to rid the world of the creatures that created him: witches, vampires, and werewolves. Then, he would create a superior species of his own making to take their place. Cleo, however, could control this newly created vessel and bound him to his cave and gained her freedom. Despite Cleo's claims, the vessel failed to hold him and he was freed once more to roam the earth.

One of his children, however, the being that would become known as Ryan Clarke would eventually betray his creator. He told the descendants of his original worshipers, a secret society, of his attempts to create a lineage, how he was violating Nature by trying to birth a new species. Ryan led them to Malivore and witches, who used black magic and three artifacts, trapped him and dissolved him, returning him to his natural state — a black pit. The three locks keep Malivore bound, unable to take form, while the pit retains the same properties as Malivore. Within a few years, the secret society grew into a business; Triad Industries — keeping the world safe from all the things that go bump in the night. Eventually, the power corrupted them, and "monsters" became whoever they didn't like. Ryan believed that revenge on Malivore would feel sweeter, but it didn't, so he returned himself to Malivore but there was only darkness. As Ryan yelled and screamed, Malivore would not answer him. He let Ryan sit in silence, punishing him for decades until he released his son. Ryan would come to learn that as more humans were thrown into the pit, Malivore absorbed enough of their genetic material to be able to reproduce. When Triad betrayed Seylah Chelon, Malivore had mercy on her and sent her back carrying their son. Afterward, he sent Ryan back to find Landon because he is of Malivore's blood and the only one who could set him free.

Throughout Legacies Series[]

In Malivore, one of the creatures sent back from Malivore in an attempt to retrieve the knife was a dryad. Dorian Williams and Alaric Saltzman made a deal with her and she told them about Malivore.

In Death Keeps Knocking On My Door, the Necromancer was the latest in a string of monsters to come for the knife. Initially, he worked with Hope to learn what happened to his legacy and why he wasn't remembered, but in the end, he screwed them over and returned the knife to Malivore, destroying it in the process.

In Maybe I Should Start From The End, Landon's mother, Seylah Chelon, revealed more information about Malivore and the organization that guards its portal. Hope, Alaric and Landon, track another monster, what Alaric called a "Mer-Man", to Triad Industries, where it attempted to return Seylah's Anubian urn. Upon entering the compound, the creature set off a bomb and was destroyed upon impact. The urn survived, however, and was taken back to the Boarding School by Hope, unaware of why she retained memories of Seylah while Landon and Alaric did not.

In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Ablah returned from Malivore to grant Lizzie Saltzman's deepest desires. At first, Lizzie abused her wishes, first wishing that Hope Mikaelson never attended the school, second, that her parents never opened the school, and later that Hope was never born. After realizing the danger of such wishes, Lizzie used her fourth wish to recall her previous ones by wishing that Ablah never ended up trapped in Malivore, and thus they never met. It is unknown how this wish worked, and if the memories of Ablah returned to the world.

In I'll Tell You a Story, Ryan Clarke recounts the creation of his father, Malivore, to his half brother Landon. Dragons ravaged the land and a witch, werewolf, and vampire formed a triad. With black magic, Malivore was born. Eventually, Ryan was created and he was a part of the plot that bound Malivore back to his original form.

In There's Always a Loophole, the third and final artifact is needed to free Malivore, and Landon falsely leads Ryan to a fake artifact so that the golem won't be free. After Ryan points out that Landon found the other two artifacts without knowing it, he tells him to look in his pocket and Landon pulls out the actual artifact, an ancient-looking knife, which glows in the process. While Landon and Ryan await the next monster, Ryan explains to him that while Landon is the perfect son to make a bloodline, he's just a host for Malivore, a meat suit so he can procreate his species. After the Headless Horseman shows up, Landon runs towards the knife and is taken with it to Malivore. He tries to fight off the Horseman until Hope shows up and defeats him. Ryan then shows up and throws the artifact into the pit, thereby releasing Malivore. Hope notices that Ryan isn't trying to stop her from stopping his father from rising, and she performs a spell on him, which makes him mimic her movements. They then both jump into Malivore, causing the golem to not rise and erasing Hope from everyone's memories.

In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Ryan and Hope wander in the darkness that is Malivore. Every so often, typically after Hope performs magic, Malivore attempts to expel her. Her blood and magic is toxic to him. However, each and every time he tries to do so, Ryan grabs hold of her and attempts to escape Malivore with her. As much as he wants Hope to leave, he wants to keep torturing Ryan. Eventually, Hope leaves Ryan behind to suffer in Malivore's darkness.

Ryan, however, pleads with his father. He cannot suffer anymore and begs for one final chance to serve him, to send him back. He'll be the bad guy. At least, if he can't trust him to raise him from perdition, trust that he will destroy Hope Mikaelson, the only things that can destroy him. Hearing his plea, Malivore releases Ryan.

In This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent, though delayed, Josie's and Landon's original plan — to use Simulandon, pumped full with Hope's blood — has come full circle. Their efforts were unknowingly completed by the Necromancer, who beheaded Simulandon, of which Ryan Clarke's consciousness resided in and tossed his severed head into the portal. The Malivore portal has since seemingly been permanently closed.

In I Couldn't Have Done This Without You, the portal to Malivore is reconstituted by the Necromancer using Ryan Clarke's corpse. With a new portal, he's able to continue to release monsters, though the Necromancer can influence the monsters to his whims over Malivore's.

In Hold on Tight, with the Necromancer's blood sacrifice complete, Malivore is successfully raised. However, with the spell having been rewritten, he no longer serves the Triad, but the Necromancer - the omega symbol now on his forehead. The Necromancer commands him as his newest acolyte, to listen well and end Landon Kirby as he sees fit. However, he should savor this as this will be his last act of free will. Once he's finished with the task he shall then return to him so that his eternity of misery can begin. Malivore bows in response to the command and the Necromancer leaves. Landon attempts to fight back, punching him. Malivore begins to consume him but Landon convinces him that he can help. There's always a loophole and the Necromancer has basically given him free regine on how he can end Landon. Landon realizes that he was created to be a vessel. He proposes that Malivore can use him to destroy the Necromancer and free himself in the process. There's no symbol on his forehead that binds him to the Necromancer. Malivore accepts and takes control of Landon.

On the football field, Malivore confronts the Necromancer, who is unaware of the bargain that's been struck between him and Landon. The Necromancer is impressed with Landon's resilience and comments that he's just in time to witness the end of his world. Malivore isn't in talking and uppercuts him across the football field. The Necromancer is surprised and as he approaches him, Malivore reveals that this is not his world and he is not Landon. The Necromancer makes the horrible realization that it is Malivore before him, using Landon as a vessel. The Necromancer attempts to cut a deal with him, but he isn't interested. Without warning, they're both enveloped by a bright light. Malivore doesn't care what just occurred and is just interested in the Necromancer's death. Before that can happen, however, the Necromancer summons his zombie dragon and incinerates him and his vessel, Landon.

Bound to the newly created prison world, Malivore is brought back and eventually finds the Necromancer wandering through the woods. The Necromancer mistakes Malivore to still be under his control, however he realizes that his symbol is no longer on his forehead. Malivore is free from the Necromancer's influence and sets out to consume him.

Elsewhere, Hope and Landon escape the prison world via the Malivore pit in the Salvatore Crypt. Upon their release, the pit is seemingly destroyed just as it was before when Hope dove into the pit the first time.

In Long Time, No See, Malivore has taken Landon as his vessel while trapped within the prison world. To disguise himself, he's fashioned clothing and weapons from various monsters, assuming a role of "Hunter", though still searching for a way out of the prison world. Roaming the woods, he comes across his letter.

However, when a door opens to the prison world, he takes the opportunity to leave, though watches Hope from afar, learning that an imposter has also assumed Landon's identity.

In Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?, as the Hunter, he stalks Hope and Lizzie from a tree as they hunt for what they suspect to be a new Malivore portal. Coming up empty handed, they turn and leave, unaware of his presence.

In All's Well That Ends Well, Hunter Landon confronts Cleo in the woods. Sneaking up behind her, he startles her as he blows a green powder into her face, knocking her unconscious.

He ties her up against a tree, but is confronted by Hope in werewolf form. She tackles him to the ground, knocking his spear from his hands. Hope tackles him again, but manages to shove her off of him. Hope quickly recovers, transforms back into her human form and clothes herself. Telekinetically grabbing his spear from the ground, she prepares another attack. Still disguised, Malivore turns and runs from her, not wanting to confront her again.

Later that night, he reappears in Hope’s room at the school and cuts a piece of her hair as she and the imposter Landon sleep next to one another.

In I Was Made To Love You, he, as “Landon” appears and saves Hope from Cleo, who was about to burn her alive with a spell. Alaric appears with a crossbow, but Hope tells him that she can handle this. She's not having a good day and gives him a warning. He reveals her missing necklace. Hope asks the Hunter to remove their mask and he does so, revealing who he really is, or at least his vessel.

In One Day You Will Understand, Malivore continues the charade of "Landon". Any differences that Hope, or anyone else, may pick up on, he explains as a result of spending him in the prison world. Hope decides to give him his space, but is never too far from his side. On their way back from Mystic Falls High with the artifact, they're attacked by the Vitruvian Man. Together, they take it down, but the artifact is destroyed in the process. Eventually, Malivore decides to break it off with Hope. Nothing has changed between her and "Landon" and tells her that they're doomed--they exist to destroy each other. After breaking up with her, he heads off out of Mystic Falls and runs into Cleo. He partners with her, deciding they will look for another way to defeat Malivore.

In Fate's A Bitch, Isn't It?, Malivore, still in control of his vessel, breaks into a museum with Cleo to retrieve a heart she created from Malivore mud. Back at their motel, Cleo hoped to use the mud to locate the Malivore portal that was sending monsters and close it using a vial of Hope's blood. When Cleo's spell seemingly fails, she decides to try another approach and inspire Landon. Their situation becomes complicated with the arrival of Hope and the now human and newly resurrected Ryan Clarke. With Cleo gone to talk with Hope, Malivore is forced to attack Ryan after his cover is blown. With time running short, he attempts to coerce Cleo into leaving with him, but she refuses. Out of options, he's forced to consume her. Caught consuming her, Alaric attacks "Landon" with tranquilizer darts. Hope quickly pieces together that Landon has been taken over by Malivore and, together, they bring him back to the Salvatore School and chains him to the gymnasium floor, trapped within a cage.

In You Have to Pick One This Time, Malivore constructs a fabricated reality of Cleo's childhood home and that of her grandmother. After she realizes that she's not in the afterlife, he describes to her that this can be endless peace, or misery. It is her choice, however, it comes at a cost of just one favor-a single, inspired solution to his problem.

Meanwhile, he remains trapped within the confines of the cage at the Salvatore School. Hope approaches him and he regales how he tricked Landon out of the darkness and all it took was the Necromancer's freedom. Despite this, Hope intends to torture him for proof that Landon's still alive, although her path is blocked with a barrier spell.

Later, Malivore is confronted by Alaric and Kaleb. They plan to infiltrate his mind, but he's ready for him. Considering they'll be entering his conscious mind, he'll be about to torture their. Sitting back, he lets the two perform the head dive. Unbeknownst to him, MG and Hope were cloaked and infiltrated his subconscious while distracted with Kaleb and Alaric.

Once inside his conscious mind, and having access to their minds, he has constructed a reality from their shared memories, particularly the night the two met-October 3, night of the homecoming game at Kaleb's old school. Malivore reveals that the two memories don't exactly match up and that Kaleb actually fed on and killed numerous students. His mind, however, repressed the traumatic experience. In his domain, he amplifies Kaleb's blood lust. Alaric demands for Kaleb to abort their mission, but Kaleb can't release the head dive. Malivore has taken control and slightly rewrites the memory to his favor. His consciousness is alerted and parts with the pair, but reminds them that if they die within his consciousness, it will severely damage their mind in the real world.

In the darkness, he appears to Cleo and finds Hope and MG. He admits he should have seen this coming, given Landon's knowledge of various movies. Now conscious of their presence, he sends the two to their own fabricated memory and returns Cleo to hers.

In the woods, MG is dying from a werewolf bite-their shared memory of when Landon first activated his phoenix powers. As Hope is about to heal him, he steps out of the darkness offering a deal to her. He offers Hope a direct path to Landon. He's here in the darkness and waiting for her to rescue him, as always. Hope resists his manipulation and opts to stay and heal MG, just as she actually died when Landon died. Despite this, he admits that the next round of torture will be must worse. His plans are cut short when they are engulfed in a bright white light and they're expelled from his consciousness.

A while later, Cleo calls out to him and he replaces his illusion of her grandmother. He wonders if any inspiration has struck, but she denies him. Instead it was for her friends. What he does understand is how to make her suffer and questions if that will inspire her to give him what he wants. Cleo stands firm in her resolve, telling him to do his worst as all she needs to do is endure it until her friends rescue her.

In There's No I In Team, or Whatever, within Malivore's darkness, Cleo wanders alone. Coming to her grandmother's hut, it's on fire and screams permeate the surrounding area. She attempts to put the fires out, but her magic is useless and she succumbs to the pain and suffering. She pleads with Malivore to make it stop and that she'll give him what he wants, though she needs time. Someone approaches her. It's Landon Kirby, who tells her they get to get her out of there.

Malivore is surprised to see Ryan alive. He attempts to get Ryan to divulge information to him about Hope's plan, and whatever it is, he will free Ryan. That, however, is a promise made and broken too many times. Malivore attempts a half-hearted apology and admits he should have been better. That is all Ryan needs to hear and Hope steps into the gym. Ryan explains that Malivore is nervous and worried about whatever she's planning, so much so that he'll say anything.

Within the darkness, Landon and Cleo talk. He's curious about what Malivore wants from Cleo and she explains that he wants to know how to kill the tribrid. Eventually, Cleo focus too much on Hope and inspires a way to kill Hope and Malivore learns what Hope is trying to do; a transfusion ritual.

The ritual succeeds but in Malivore's favor. Now awake, Malivore whips the transfusion braid towards the black candle, knocking it over. Ryan begins to lose control of his faculties, knocking Jed unconscious as he runs away.

Alaric and Hope return Malivore to his cage and learn that the he transferred a dybbuk to Ryan. Alaric knows that a dybbuk is a parasitic spirit of Jewish folklore that imbues its host with supernatural strength. Malivore, however, sends the dybbuk to Movie in the Square explains that killing a dybbuk is easy. All they have to do is to kill the host.

With everyone distract, Malivore calls out for help from his cage. He cries rouses an unconscious Ethan, prompting him to go searching. Malivore takes advantage and captures Ethan, using his chains. Alaric and MG find them and Malivore threatens to kill Ethan and demands to be released. Alaric is forced to do as Malivore asks and releases them.

On the road, Ethan pleads with Malivore to let him go, but he is more interested in hitching a ride. Ethan tells him he can take the truck, but Malivore has other plans. Grabbing him by the mouth, Malivore forces mud into his body, his eyes turning black.

In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, Ethan brings Blake to him, but mistakes him for his vessel, Landon. Malivore explains that he transforms people and Blake unknowingly accepts the offer, believing it's about performance enhancing drugs to get better with football. Malivore is glad to transform him. In fact, he's been obsessed for centuries with consuming everything he could, but he's had it all backwards. Ethan grabs Blake from behind and Malivore prepares to transform him, creating a ball of mud on his palm.

Later, Malivore speaks through his monster, a Cherufe, to Hope. He questions if she likes his new footsoldier considering he's made him just for her. Hope's not impressed, believing it to be just a distraction. Malivore reiterates that this is just a warning in what this fight will cost her. The monster will keep coming until all her friends are dead. Hope decides to end the cherufe's life and impales the creature, only to learn it actually Blake.

Toying with Cleo, he creates a realistic reality of the outside world. Cleo believes she's escaped and he approaches her woods as Jed. Cleo mistakens him, believing she's free. She explains that she's found a way that Malivore may be able to destroy Hope and he might have already figured it out too. The two rush back to the Salvatore School to warn her.

Cleo and Malivore finally reach the school but upon opening the doors, Cleo finds herself once again in the darkness. She's never left and it was all a trick. Malivore was inspired by a new approach and even impressed himself with this level of detail. More importantly, he's learned how to destroy the tribrid. Malivore disappears, leaving her to break down alone.

Malivore wakens from his time with Cleo, seeing Ethan with Kaleb. He questions how he found him and Kaleb explains that the magic candle he has eliminates sounds and smells. All he had to do was listen for a place that was too quiet. Malivore thinks him clever, but Kaleb woke up from his broken neck and admits he had time to think. Kaleb isn't here to fight and instead makes him an offer. Malivore accepts.

In See You On The Other Side, somewhere in Mystic Falls, Kaleb and Ethan, enthralled by Malivore, go from house to house enthralling townies with black goo, building an army for him to control.

At the Train Depot, Malivore watches as Hope wakes in transition. She overwhelmed, all of her senses are heightened and she's confused. He welcomes her back to the land of the living, though she won't be staying long. Hope attempts to cast the Motus spell to break free, but she's in transition. Malivore reminds her that she has no magic, no wolf form or vampire powers. She's more vulnerable now than ever unless she feeds. Malivore, however, has no intention of letting that happen and to let her die. He explains that Cleo showed him how to kill her, but his timetable has been moved up and he no longer has the time to get what he needs because she's decided to turn. He's sure that since she won't feed, she'll die alone, broken and pitiful. Hope believes her friends will come for her, but that is what Malivore is counting on.

Alaric stalks the train yard and is surrounded by townies controlled by Malivore. Not wanting to kill them, he throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff.

At Mystic Fall High School Ethan and a group of students interrupt MG. He commands the students to get to the train depot while he'll handle MG, though he doesn't want to fight him. Ethan tells him that he doesn't have a choice. He's confused as to how Ethan remembers the supernatural world, but he explains that he's not really Ethan exactly. He's Malivore. MG wanted to be a superhero so bad, now he has a super villain to fight. Malivore has even given Ethan powers that he can use to fight back. MG is curious about the powers and Ethan turns invisible.

Outside the Train Depot, Alaric successfully incapacitates the townies, though not without injury. A Malivore-controlled-Kaleb is his next opponent, and he's been upgraded by Malivore. Kaleb's eyes turn orange, and he breathes out fire.

Back at the school, Malivore throws MG through the school door, the latter still not wanting to fight Ethan. MG attempts to get through to Ethan, but Malivore's control is too strong. He's determined to get MG to fight him and breaks a flag pole, weaponizing it as a stake. Ethan disappears again and appears behind him, stabbing him in the side. MG believes of all the powers Malivore could have given Ethan, Malivore picked a real cowardly one. Despite his sentiments, the power is effective. He disappears again, the next time aims for his heart. MG defends himself and pulls off a locker door, using it as a shield, but Malivore is stronger. Malivore attempts to stake him, but Lizzie appears behind him and grabs Ethan's head, siphoning him until Malivore loses his control.

Alaric takes cover as Kaleb attacks, toying with him. Alaric attempts to reason with Kaleb, since he's still worrying about him. Kaleb instructs him to leave, but Alaric refuses. He tells Kaleb that Malivore has Hope. Kaleb explains that he's the reason why he has her. Alaric continues to put his trust into Kaleb and reassures him that he believes in him. Kaleb doesn't want to do this, here, and Alaric wants him to fight it like his bloodlust. Alaric bets his life on Kaleb as his eyes turn orange, but Kaleb takes momentary control. Malivore reassumes control of Kaleb and berates Alaric for teaching his students on how to be prey as opposed to being predators. It makes his job easy but believes him to be pathetic. Malivore assures him that no one will remember them. Once Hope is dead, he will consume them all except Alaric so everyone will remember him as a failure. As Malivore attempts to kill Alaric, Hope surprises him from behind and stabs him. Hope quips about the dragon's soft spot, but falls to the ground, nearly unconscious. Malivore regains consciousness, learning that Hope's escaped and goes out to the train yard, planning to end her himself.

Malivore arrives just in time to witness Hope's complete transition. Hope instructs Alaric to take Kaleb back to the school and she'll handle Malivore. He grabs Kaleb and leaves. Malivore believes that Hope is underestimating him, but Hope is a monster to which he has never seen. Hope casts a spell and throws Malivore through the air. As he comes closer to the ground, she vamps to him, punching him midair with enough force to throw him into a train car. Stumbling to the ground and shaken, Malivore runs from her. Hope muses that he hasn't even seen her wolf form yet.

Malivore attempts to hide within a train car, barring the doors, but Hope is there, waiting for him in wolf form. She transforms back, the full tribrid tour complete. She decides it's time to end it, and bites her arm. With blood dripping down, she casts another spell to form a sword with her blood. Malivore doesn't want to face her and retreats back within Landon, giving him back control of his body. In the darkness, his consciousness replaces Landon. Cleo is also done with the door, and Malivore, posing as Landon questions where it will send them. Cleo explains that it will take them back to their world. "Landon", however, reminds her that he's not in control of his own body, but Cleo's spell takes that into account. The door will create a new vessel for his consciousness until they can return him back to his own body.

Cleo declares it is time to go and Malivore reveals himself to her. As he told her centuries ago, he is not letting her go and walks through the door. The bright light quickly fades for him to only realize that it's not a doorway out. Cleo has constructed him a coffin, determined to not fall for his tricks again. She shuts the door and Malivore is trapped.

He admits that Cleo is clever but her traps never hold him for long. Malivore punches a hole out of Cleo's coffin and declares that when he escapes he will search the world for the weapon to kill the tribrid. Cleo is adamant that he will do no such thing as Hope has fulfilled her destiny. His death rages towards them, fire consuming the Darkness and everything within it. Malivore takes comfort that she will die with him, but a tendril grabs her wrist and wraps around her. Malivore is confused and demands to know what magic this is but she only explains that it's a squad thing. Cleo is pulled out from the Darkness as Malivore is consumed.


At first, Malivore didn't have a personality, only an insatiable hunger to consume the supernatural creatures that it encountered; with the only exception to not to harm werewolves, witches, and vampires. As time went on with Malivore absorbing the creatures, it started evolving and becoming sentient. It eventually turned on its creators before they could dissolve Malivore effectively, and was heralded as a "god" for doing away with the creatures that harmed humans. Malivore also became lonely and desired a companion, but eventually rejected the creations it had made, one of which came to be known as Ryan Clarke.

While it was dissolved, when Malivore had also consumed humans, it also wanted to create the perfect son to continue its legacy. According to Ryan, Malivore showed sympathy to Seylah for what Triad had done to her.

Physical Appearance[]

Malivore was a towering golem that is described as a "mud monster" in appearance. He has a high brow line and two darkened, hollowed holes where eyes should be. The most distinguishing mark on him is the Triad's symbol on his forehead.

Powers and Abilities[]

Malivore possessed a unique set of powers and abilities as the first golem.


Malivore had a unique set of weaknesses as the first golem.



Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four


  • Malivore is not a given name, though the Latin prefix, mal is a combining form meaning "bad", "wrongful", "ill" or "evil", while the suffix vore means "to eat" or to devour."[2][3] Therefore, as Ryan previously called it, it means in rough translation to be "Eater of the Dark".



22galeria Malivore has a photo gallery.


  1. In I'll Tell You a Story, Ryan tells Landon that Malivore fashioned beings like him and called them his children. To date, none of his children, except for Ryan, have been seen, nor is it known how many he created.

See also[]
