The Vampire Diaries Wiki
The Vampire Diaries Wiki

Outside Mystic Falls[]

[In a secluded country area, an SUV is meeting another car. The man gets out of the car and goes over to the man in the SUV. The man in the SUV is wearing a cap and sunglasses.]

Trevor: Where is she?
Man: In the trunk, I did exactly what you said.
Trevor: Good, put her in the back.

[The man opens the SUV trunk and then goes to his car. He opens the trunk. Elena is in it, unconscious. He takes her and puts her in the SUV trunk. Trevor sees her in the rear-view mirror and smiles. After putting Elena in the trunk, he joins Trevor.]

Trevor: Thank you for your help.
Man: Is there anything else?
Trevor: One more thing. Come closer, please.

[The man gets closer.]

Trevor: Closer.

[The man gets closer. Trevor takes him, bites him, drinks his blood and then throws him on the floor and he leaves. The man is dead.]

Gilbert Residence[]

[Jeremy is in the bathroom. He knocks on Elena's bedroom door.]

Jeremy: Yo, Elena!

[She doesn't answer so he goes into her room. She's not there.]

Forbes Residence[]

[Caroline is in her room, preparing for school. Damon's there.]

Caroline: So Sarah attacks Tyler and he pushed her away and she tripped and she fell and she hit her head.
Damon: Does Matt remember anything?
Caroline: Hmm, he thinks he blacked out but I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident.
Damon: Yeah, I don't understand that. The guy is a tool.
Caroline: Gee, duh. Tyler getting blamed for Sarah death just opens up questions that he can't answer and do you really think that it's a good idea for him to tell his mom he's a werewolf?
Damon: Well, no.
Caroline: And that werewolf road leads straight to Vampire Boulevard! I thought I was thinking fast on my feet.
Damon: Where is your mom?
Caroline: Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven't found her body yet.
Damon: Oh, teens today and their underage drinking. Tragic. Wait, did you see Tyler's eyes turn yellow?
Caroline: They were more gold with amber highlights.
Damon: Oh.
Caroline: Can he turn into a wolf now?
Damon: Only on a full moon but now he has increased strength and who knows what else. I wonder how much Mason told him. Does he know about us?

[She doesn't answer. She's texting.]

Damon: Hey! What did you tell him?
Caroline: Nothing, really. I don't think he knows much of anything. He seemed really freaked out and honestly, I felt kind of bad for him.

[She leaves her room and goes toward the door.]

Damon: He's got to know something.
Caroline: Alright, I'll ask him.

[He rushes over her and grabs her by the collar.]

Damon: No, you won't Caroline! He cannot know about us. A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire so don't be his friend! Do you understand me?
Caroline: I understand. I'm late for school.
Damon: Right. If you want to drop the hint to your mom, that Aimee's body is at the bottom of a ravine with a cracked spine. Might save your mom some time.

[Damon opens the door for her. They leave.]

Mystic Falls High School[]

[Tyler is in the hallway. There are posters for Aimee Bradley on the walls. In front of Sarah's locker, there are pictures and candles. He's uncomfortable and goes to his locker. He tries to opens it but accidentally pulls off the dial.]

[Stefan is closing his locker. Jeremy joins him .]

Stefan: Hey Jeremy.
Jeremy: Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it.
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Jeremy: You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleep over...
Stefan: Wait, wait...hold on a minute. We're not back together.
Jeremy: Wait...she didn't stay at your place last night?
Stefan: No, I mean I saw her at the party but that was it. She didn't sleep over.
Jeremy: ‘Cause her bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where is she then?


[The SUV is parking in the driveway. Trevor is carrying Elena, who is waking up. They are in the house. He puts her on the couch. Her hand and her feet are tied. He removes the ropes.]

Elena: What do you want?
Trevor: Ssh.
Elena: Please, I'm hurt.
Trevor: I know. Just a taste.

[He's vamping and leans down to bite her wound but Rose arrives and she stops him.)

Rose: Trevor! Control yourself.
Trevor: Buzzkill.

[He leaves. Rose is alone with Elena.]

Elena: What do you want with me?
Rose: Oh my god, you look just like her.
Elena: But I'm not. Please, whatever you-
Rose: Be quiet!
Elena: But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this.
Rose: I know who you are, I said be quiet.
Elena: What do you want?

[Rose slaps her hard. Elena falls on the couch, unconscious.]

Rose: I want you to be quiet.

Mystic Falls High School[]

[Stefan and Damon are outside. They're talking about Elena's disappearance.]

Stefan: This has Katherine written all over it.
Damon: Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in.
Stefan: Did you?
Damon: Did I what, Stefan?
Stefan: Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you.
Damon: She's in the tomb, period. End of story but she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying.
Stefan: What did she say?
Damon: Elena's in danger.
Stefan: What? And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?
Damon: Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?
Stefan: We have to go talk to her.
Damon: No, no. Let me tell you how that's gonna go: We're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release which we're gonna be dumb enough to give her and she's gonna get out and kill us! This is exactly what she wants!
Stefan: I don't really care.
Damon: It's a bad idea, Stefan.
Stefan: It's Elena.

[Caroline is in the hallway. She sees the candles and the pictures at Sarah's locker. Tyler joins her.]

Tyler: Caroline.
Caroline: Hey! How are you doing?
Tyler: Not good.
Caroline: How's your mom? My mom said that she was pretty freaked out about everything that happened with Sarah.
Tyler: How did you know?
Caroline: What do you mean?
Tyler: About me. How did you know?
Caroline: Know what? That you were upset? I thought I was doing a good thing by covering for you.
Tyler: That's not what I am talking about.
Caroline: Look, it was an accident? Okay? And I've got to run just...please don't blame yourself.

[She leaves.]


[Elena is waking up. Rose and Trevor are upstairs. They're talking.]

Rose: How's the girl?
Trevor: Still passed out.
Rose: You didn't touch her, did you?
Trevor: Give me some credit. So, you called him?
Rose: No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works.
Trevor: Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?
Rose: They say he got it.
Trevor: Wonderful and what?

[Elena gets up and walks upstairs. She's listening in on their conversation.]

Rose: So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait.
Trevor: Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this.
Rose: I'm sick of running!
Trevor: Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying.
Rose: Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free.

[Elena accidentally makes one of the boards squeak. Rose sees her.]

Rose: You! There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?
Elena: Who's Elijah?
Rose: He's your worst nightmare.

Mystic Falls High School[]

[Stefan is talking with Bonnie.]

Bonnie: I can't undo the tomb spell, Stefan. Even if I wanted to. It took both me and my Grams to undo it the first time.
Stefan: But I can open the door, right? I can talk to her?
Bonnie: Yeah but Damon's right. She's not gonna tell you anything, not without something in return.
Stefan: I know but Bonnie I have to do something. I have no idea who has Elena; I have no idea where she is.
Bonnie: What if there was another way to find her?

[Jeremy and Bonnie are in Alaric's classroom. There is a map and two candles on the table.]

Jeremy: How does this is work?
Bonnie: I‘ll use your blood to draw energy for the tracking spell. You're blood related; it'll make the connection stronger.

[Stefan arrives.]

Stefan: Alright, Alaric said we've got to clear out of here within ten minutes. I've got weapons, he stocked me up.
Bonnie: Are you ready?

[She cuts Jeremy's hand. His blood falls on the map. Bonnie concentrates herself to cast the spell. The blood drops and merge into one and goes toward Elena's location.]

Bonnie: There. She's there.
Jeremy: That's 300 miles away.
Stefan: No, Bonnie. We need a more exact location than that.
Bonnie: That's as close as I can get.
Jeremy: We can map it, aerial view will show us what's around there, help us narrow down the area.
Stefan: Perfect. Call me with whatever you find.
Jeremy: No, no, I'm coming with you!
Stefan: No Jeremy, you're not.
Jeremy: No, I'm gonna just sit here. What if she's hurt okay?

[Bonnie has a nosebleed but the guys don't see it.]

Jeremy: Or worse? What if she's...?
Stefan: She's not. You two go back to your house just in case. I'll call you the minute I find her.
Jeremy: Well, you can't do this alone.

[Damon arrives.]

Damon: He's not. Let's go.
Stefan: You're coming with me?
Damon: It's Elena.

[Tyler is outside playing basketball with other guys. He uses his super strength to jump up and slam dunk the ball.]

Player: Dude, what the hell was that? Where did that come from? How'd you do that?

[He sees Caroline, stops playing and walks over to her.]

Caroline: Hey. Um...are you okay?
Tyler: You lied to me earlier. Why?
Caroline: Look, Tyler...I think that you misunderstood me at the party. I get it, it was very traumatic.
Tyler: You're lying.
Caroline: Nope but I'm late.

[She leaves but he grabs her arm.]

Tyler: Hey!

[She twists his arm around and throws him on the floor. He gets up.]

Tyler: How did're stronger than me?
Caroline: Please, that was nothing.
Tyler: Listen, if you know something you've got to tell me because I can't handle this.
Caroline: I'm sorry, Tyler but I think that you're still in shock over Sarah dying and it's understandable.

[He looks at her angrily and leaves. He kicks a garbage but he's so strong that the garbage can flies into a car and sets off the car alarm. Everyone looks at him. He looks at Caroline and leaves.]

Damon's Car[]

[Stefan and Damon are going to Elena's rescue.]

Damon: Alaric sure likes his weapons.

[Stefan has a little bottle with vervain in it in his hands.]

Damon: What the hell is that?
Stefan: I don't know, it's a vervain bomb or a grenade launcher or something like that.
Damon: Weird.
Stefan: Hey, how much further is it?
Damon: About 80 miles.
Stefan: Who do you think took her?
Damon: Someone from Katherine's past. She said she was running from someone. They got the wrong girl.
Stefan: Thank you for helping me.
Damon: Can we not do the whole road trip bonding thing? The cliche of it all makes me itch.
Stefan: Oh, come on Damon. We both know that you being in this car has absolutely nothing to do with me anyway.
Damon: The elephant in the room lets out a mighty roar.
Stefan: Well, it doesn't have to be an elephant. Let's talk about it.
Damon: There's nothing to talk about.
Stefan: That's not true. I'm sure there is. Just get it out. I mean, are you in this car because you want to help your little brother save the girl that he loves? Or is it because you love her too? Hmm? I mean come on, express yourself. I happen to like road trip bonding.
Damon: Keep it up, Stefan. I can step out of helping as easily as I stepped in.
Stefan: No, you see that's the beauty of it. You can't.

Gilbert Residence[]

[Jeremy is in his bedroom with Bonnie. He's searching for the place on his cell phone.]

Bonnie: Alaric just left with Jenna.
Jeremy: He's getting her out of the house for a while so she doesn't ask questions about Elena. Look. I pulled this up based on that spot on the map.

[He shows her his phone. His ‘s found a house.]

Jeremy: there's nothing for miles except for this old house.
Bonnie: Did you send it to Stefan?
Jeremy: Yeah. I hate sitting here, waiting like this.
Bonnie: Hey, she's gonna be fine.
Jeremy: You don't know that.
Bonnie: No I don't.

[She gets up and rushes over to her handbag. She takes the grimoire and sits on Jeremy's bed with him.]

Jeremy: What are you doing?
Bonnie: There's something else I want to try.
Jeremy: I don't get it.
Bonnie: I need a candle. Grab Elena's hairbrush.
Jeremy: Okay, yeah.

[Bonnie takes a paper and writes something on it beginning with "Stefan an...". Jeremy grabs Elena's hairbrush and a candle.]

Jeremy: What's all this stuff for?
Bonnie: I know it's crazy but I might be able to get her a message.

[She crumples the paper and holds it in her hand above the candle and opens it. She closes her eyes to cast the spell. Her nose begins to bleed. Jeremy notices the bleeding and is alarmed.]

Jeremy: Bonnie? Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!

[The paper is burning. Jeremy's tries to stop her but she keeps going. The paper disappears.]

Jeremy: Bonnie.

[She smiles and blacks out. She falls backwards unconscious on Jeremy's bed. Jeremy tries to rouse her by shaking her.]

Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!


[Rose is in a room, alone. Elena joins her.]

Elena: Why am I here?
Rose: You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them.
Elena: Why won't you?
Rose: That's another one.
Elena: You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me.
Rose: I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service.
Elena: Delivery to who? Elijah?
Rose: Two points to the eavesdropper.
Elena: Who is he? Is he a vampire?
Rose: He's one of the vampires, the originals.
Elena: What do you mean the originals?
Rose: Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you your vampire history?
Elena: So you know Stefan and Damon?
Rose: I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress.
Elena: Who are the originals?
Rose: Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess.
Elena: But why me?
Rose: Because you're a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to breaking the curse.
Elena: The curse? The sun and the moon curse?
Rose: Oh, you do know your history.
Elena: What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse.
Rose: No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it.
Elena: The sacrifice?
Rose: The blood of the doppelgänger. You're the doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse you're the one who has to die.

Forbes Residence[]

[Caroline enters her house.]

Caroline: Mom?

[She cautiously walks farther into the house. Tyler is behind her.]

Caroline: What are you doing here?
Tyler: I know.
Caroline: Breaking and entering the sheriff's house? That move will win you an award.
Tyler: Go ahead. Keep dodging, keep changing the subject but I know. You're just like me, aren't you?
Caroline: No.
Tyler: Keep it up but I'm not buying it. I saw how strong you were. I'm not leaving here until you tell me the truth.
Caroline: Tyler...
Tyler: You're a werewolf. Say it!

[She breaks into a laugh.]

Caroline: What?

[He pushes her against the wall.]

Tyler: Stop lying!
Caroline: I'm not lying!
Tyler: Say it!

[He slaps the wall next to her head hard, which causes a picture to drop and break. She pushes him against the wall. She's vamping. She throws him on the floor. He's scared.]

Caroline: I'm not a werewolf, okay?


[Rose and Elena are still talking. Trevor arrives.]

Elena: Tell me more.
Trevor: Captivity has made her pushy, eh? What do you want to know doppelicious?
Elena: Who were you running from?
Trevor: The originals.
Elena: Yeah, she said that. What does that mean?
Trevor: The first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off.
Rose: Mm-hmm.
Trevor: Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us dead.
Elena: What did you do?
Rose: He made the same mistake countless others did: he trusted Katerina Petrova.
Elena: Katherine.
Rose: The one and only, the first Petrova Doppelgänger.
Trevor: I helped her escape her fate and now I've, sorry, we've been marked ever since.
Rose: Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again.

Gilbert Residence[]

[Bonnie is awake. Jeremy gives her a glass of water.]

Jeremy: Here, drink this.
Bonnie: Thanks.

[She drinks.]

Jeremy: What happened? You scared the hell out of me.
Bonnie: It's nothing.
Jeremy: It wasn't nothing, Bonnie.
Bonnie: I've been doing a lot of magic lately. It wears me down.
Jeremy: When I'm worn down, I take a nap. You were unconscious.
Bonnie: Witchcraft has its limits. If I push too hard, it pushes back.
Jeremy: How do you know all this?
Bonnie: (Motioning towards the grimoire.) It's all in here; it's like a reminder that I'm not invincible. Please...don't...don't tell anyone.
Jeremy: Why not?
Bonnie: Because it's a weakness and I don't want certain people to know that.
Jeremy: By certain people, you mean Damon.
Bonnie: I mean anyone that can hurt me.
Jeremy: I won't tell anyone, okay? I promise.
Bonnie: It's hard, you know? My grams is gone and my dad, he doesn't want to know about what I am. He hasn't since my mom left. I'm all alone in this.
Jeremy: It's how I feel a lot of the time, alone.

[Long pause. They stare at each other.]

Jeremy: Do you think that worked?
Bonnie: I have no idea.


[Elena sits on the couch. She finds the handwritten paper Bonnie sent her. It reads: "Stefan and Damon are coming for you. -B"]

Damon's Car[]

Stefan: We're getting close. Jeremy said there's an access road just past mile marker 6.

[Damon takes a blood bag from the back seat. He starts drinking and casually looks over at Stefan.]

Damon: If you want some, just ask.
Stefan: I want some.
Damon: Ah, that's so sweet. You're gonna be all big and strong and save your girl but don't worry, I've got your back. It'll be fine.
Stefan: I'm not joking. I've been drinking a little every day. I'm slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength.

[Damon gives him the blood bag. Stefan drinks.]

Damon: Does Elena know you're drinking blood?
Stefan: I've been drinking hers.
Damon: Hmm, how romantic. (Damon drinks some blood.) Since we're road trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived for was blood? You were the guy who ripped someone apart just for the fun of it.
Stefan: You mean when I was more like you?
Damon: Yes, Stefan, exactly. Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big bad vampire. I wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy. By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoot.
Stefan: I guess he found something else to live for.


[Trevor enters the room with Rose and Elena.]

Trevor: He's here! This was a mistake.
Rose: No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me.
Trevor: No! He wants me dead, Rose!
Rose: He wants her more.
Trevor: I can't do this. You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here.
Rose: Hey! What are we?
Trevor: We're family, forever.

[Someone knocks on the door.]

Elena: You're scared.
Rose: Stay here with her and don't make a sound.

[She leaves to open the door. Elijah opens the door. She arrives.]

Elijah: Rose-Marie. Is there somewhere we can talk?
Rose: Yes, in here. You have to forgive the house.
Elijah: Oh, no, what's a little dirt? I completely understand. So tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?
Rose: I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. You in a position to grant me that?
Elijah: I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If I so see fit.
Rose: Katerina Petrova?
Elijah: I'm listening.
Rose: She didn't burn in the church in 1864.
Elijah: Continue.
Rose: She survived.
Elijah: Where is she?
Rose: You don't seem surprised by this.
Elijah: Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere three hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina. Do you have her in your possession?
Rose: No, but I have better. I have her doppelgänger.
Elijah: That's impossible, her family line ended with her. I know that for fact.
Rose: The facts are wrong.
Elijah: Well, show her to me.
Rose: Elijah, you are a man of honor, you should be trusted but I want to hear you say it again.
Elijah: You have my word that I will pardon you.
Rose: Follow me.

[He follows her. They arrive at the main room. Elena hears them. She's scared and turns her head. Elijah looks at her. He's surprised and rushes over to her. He looks at her and smells her neck.]

Elijah: Human. It's impossible. Hello there.


[Stefan and Damon have stopped the car off the road, not far from the house.]

Damon: The house should be just beyond those trees. Wait, I got a lot more experience than you do with those sorts of things.
Stefan: What is your point?
Damon: My point is, whoever has Elena is probably who was after Katherine in 1864 and before that.
Stefan: And?
Damon: And it puts them at 500 years old and strong. Are you sure you want to do this?
Stefan: Yeah, I'm certain I want to do it.
Damon: Because if we go in that house, we may not come back out.
Stefan: Alright, then I won't come out.
Damon: So noble, Stefan.
Stefan: I can't think of a better reason to die, but if you want to stay here, I'll totally understand.

[He leaves and Damon follows him.]


Elijah: We have a long journey head of us. We should be going.

[Elena looks at Rose.]

Elena: Please, don't let him take me.
Elijah: One last piece of business and we're done.

[He goes toward Trevor.]

Trevor: I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry.
Elijah: Oh no, your apology's not necessary.
Trevor: Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you.
Elijah: Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?
Trevor: I beg your forgiveness.
Elijah: So granted.

[Trevor smiles but Elijah smacks Trevor's head clean off his body. Rose cries. Elena is shocked.]

Rose: You...!
Elijah: Don't, Rose, now that you are free.

[He looks at Elena.]

Elijah: Come.
Elena: No, what about the moonstone?
Elijah: What do you know about the moonstone?
Elena: I know that you need it and I know where it is.
Elijah: Yes?
Elena: I can help you get it.
Elijah: Tell me where it is.
Elena: It doesn't work that way.
Elijah: Are you negotiating with me?

[He looks at Rose.]

Rose: It's the first I've heard of it.

[He tries to compel Elena but it doesn't work. He looks at her necklace.]

Elijah: What is this vervain doing around your neck?

[He pulls the necklace off her neck and throws it away. He grabs her head and compels her.]

Elijah: Tell me where the moonstone is.
Elena: In the tomb, underneath the church ruins.
Elijah: What is it doing there?
Elena: It's with Katherine.
Elijah: Interesting.

[They hear breaking glass from upstairs.]

Elijah: What is that?
Rose: I don't know.
Elijah: Who else is in this house?
Rose: I don't know.

[He grabs Elena. They go in another part of the house. Stefan and Damon are moving around them with their super speed. Elijah throws Elena in Rose's arms.]

Elijah: Rose.
Rose: I don't know who it is.
Stefan: Up here.

[Elijah goes up the stairs with his super speed.]

Damon: Down here.

[Elijah receives in stake in his hand. He removes it. Elena and Rose have disappeared. Elena is with Stefan. He tells her to be quiet. Damon is with Rose. He has his hand on her mouth and gestures to be quiet.]

Elijah: Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. Do you hear that?

[He breaks a wooden coat rack into a stake.]

Elijah: I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girl, I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?

[Elena appears at the top of the stairs.]

Elena: I'll come with you, just please don't my friends, they just wanted to help me out.

[He goes up the stairs with his super speed. He has the stake in his hand.]

Elijah: What game are you playing with me?

[She throws the vervain bomb in his face. It explodes. His skin burns but he heals immediately. He goes toward Elena but Stefan arrives and shoots him with the compressed air weapon. It doesn't hurt him so Stefan throws the weapon and rushes at Elijah and tackles him. They fall down the stairs. Elijah gets up immediately but Stefan stays on the floor. He goes toward Stefan but Damon appears and stakes Elijah. He pushes him against the door. Elijah is dead and is pinned to the door with the stake. Rose sees it and leaves. Damon tries to follow her.]

Elena: Just let her go.

[He smiles. She smiles too and goes down the stairs to go to Stefan's arms.]

Stefan: Hey come here. Are you hurt? Are you okay?

[She embraces him and looks at Damon. She mouths a "thank you" and Damon mouths a "you're welcome"]

Gilbert Residence[]

[Bonnie is sleeping in Jeremy's bed. Jeremy is looking at her and hears the front door.]

Jeremy: Elena?

[Bonnie wakes up and they rush out the door. Elena is going up the stairs. Bonnie rushes over to her and embraces her.]

Jeremy: Are you okay?
Elena: I'm okay. I'm okay.

[She looks at Bonnie.]

Elena: I got your message.

[Bonnie cries and embraces her again. Then, Jeremy embraces her and kisses her neck.]

Salvatore Boarding House[]

[Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch and drinks it. Stefan arrives.]

Damon: Where's Elena?
Stefan: She's home.
Damon: And you're here why?
Stefan: Because she wanted to be with Jeremy.
Damon: Here.

[He gives him a glass of scotch.]

Stefan: Thanks. Listen, um, what Rose told Elena about the curse...
Damon: I know, we'll keep her safe.
Stefan: You know, the only way we're gonna be able to do that is if we're not fighting each other. We let Katherine come between us. If we let that happen with Elena, we're not gonna be able to protect her.
Damon: Yes Stefan, I heard it all before.
Stefan: Hey.
Damon: What?
Stefan: I'm sorry.
Damon: About what?
Stefan: For being the guy who made you turn 145 years ago.
Damon: Enough Stef, it's late. Don't need to rehash that.
Stefan: You know what? I've never said it out loud. I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it. I'm sorry. What I did was selfish. I didn't want to be alone. I guess I just needed my brother.

Forbes Residence[]

[Caroline is still with Tyler. She arrives with a bottle of alcohol and two glasses.]

Caroline: You know, this sounds crazy but alcohol helps or at least it helps me. You know, with all that inside jittery stuff.
Tyler: I'm hot. It's like my skin is on fire.
Caroline: Really? I never had any of that. I guess wolves are different. At the beginning, I was very, very emotional. Everything was heightened.
Tyler: I have that. How can you be a vampire?
Caroline: How can you be a werewolf?
Tyler: Who else is like you?
Caroline: Just me. It's a really long story we can share another time. How many other werewolves are there?
Tyler: Just me and my uncle Mason but he left town.
Caroline: Look, Tyler...You can't tell anyone, okay? Not about you, not about me. No one will understand.
Tyler: I know.
Caroline: I want to tell you about my mom and yours and the founding families and the council but I need you to promise me no one will find out about us. This is life and death, Tyler.
Tyler: I have no one else to tell. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just, I'm alone with this. It's gonna happen to me. On the next full moon, I'm gonna turn and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared.
Caroline: Tyler...No....I...

[She embraces him.]

Salvatore Boarding House[]

[Stefan is in the library. He hears a noise and a vampire is running around him. He takes a stake.]

Stefan: Who's there?

[Rose arrives.]

Rose: I'm not here to hurt you.
Stefan: Why are you here?
Rose: Lexi once told me that you're one of the good ones.
Stefan: You knew Lexi?
Rose: Trevor was my best friend. For 500 years I have lived with one person and he's gone and I don't want to run anymore because I don't have anywhere else to run to.
Stefan: Well, I'm sorry but I can't help you.
Rose: I don't need your help but I think you need mine. Elijah may be dead but this isn't over.
Stefan: What do you mean "it's not over"?
Rose: It isn't over. The originals, they'll come for her. They have to. They're doing it for him.
Stefan: For who?
Rose: Klaus.

Gilbert Residence[]

[Elena in in pajamas. She's going into her bedroom. Damon's here.]

Damon: Cute PJ's.
Elena: I'm tired, Damon.
Damon: I brought you this.

[He shows her the necklace.]

Elena: I thought that was gone. Thank you.

[She tries to grab it but he doesn't give it to her.]

Elena: Please give it back.
Damon: I just have to say something.
Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace?
Damon: Well, because what I'm about to say is...probably the most selfish thing I have ever said in my life.
Elena: Damon, don't go there.
Damon: No, I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena and it's because I love you that...I can't be selfish with you. Why you can't know this. I don't deserve you but my brother does.

[He kisses her on the forehead.]

Damon: God, I wish you didn't have to forget this but you do.

[He compels her and sheds a tear. Elena closes her eyes. When she opens them, Damon's gone and she has her necklace. She touches her necklace and looks around her. She sits down on her bed and looks at her necklace.]


[Elijah is still impaled to the door but he slowly wakes up. His face regains its color and he removes the stake from his chest.]

See More[]

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The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, The Originals: The Awakening and The Vampire Diaries: A Darker Truth are all © of The CW and it's parent companies, Warner Brothers and CBS.