Immortal Silas unfazed by an impaling stake.
Super Durability is an ability of many supernatural beings to be supernaturally resistant to physical damage. It allows the being to sustain far more damage or trauma than human beings normally can.
Super durability varies from one supernatural being to another although, it is usually the oldest who are able to take more damage than younger users.

Wooden stakes will not kill a vampire unless through the heart.
Vampires can take a great amount of damage far more than humans and werewolves without being slowed down. Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets have been able to continue fighting, as long as they were not shot in the heart. They can take powerful blows from other supernatural creatures and even being tackled through walls. An example of their durability is when Damon and Stefan survived a horrific car accident and they both came out of it without a scratch, Damon even laughing afterwards.
Werewolves can take far more trauma than humans can without much discomfort or injury. However, their durability is much less effective than that of the vampires and immortals. They can also exert themselves without much tire.
Original Vampires[]
Original vampires can take far more trauma than other non-Original vampires, werewolves, non-original hybrids and humans can, without much discomfort or injury. No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility. Wood seems to be ineffective at weakening them. Ordinary weapons can hurt an Original vampire as seen with Finn, Kol and Klaus. Rebekah even stated a bomb powerful enough to blow up a junk yard full of disposed cars would not be able to kill her.

Klaus with a stake through his body.
Hybrids can bear a lot of trauma and hardly ever get tired or fatigued, Tyler Lockwood was able to take powerful strikes from even Klaus and show no signs of severe damage. Klaus however, being the Original Hybrid, can take far more trauma than any original vampires, non-Original vampires, werewolves, non-original hybrids and humans, without much discomfort or injury. Vervain, wolfsbane, wood, and White Oak ash daggers do not weaken him, making him virtually indestructible. Klaus' durability has been shown to withstand being thrown through a table, struck with an iron bar and being struck repeatedly by other powerful supernatural creatures. Surviving all of this without sustaining permanent damage in anyway.
Enhanced Original Vampire[]
The Enhanced Original vampire can take far more trauma than Originals and other vampires, werewolves, and humans can without much discomfort or injury. Alaric even appeared more durable than Klaus. Like Originals, he can heal faster than normal vampires when exposed to vervain and wood does not seem to weaken them. The White Oak stake will not affect the Enhanced Original vampire. Alaric could only be stopped through desiccation, though this was through the combined actions of two non-Original vampires, the Original Hybrid, and a witch. Since the White Oak stake is useless against them, Enhanced Originals are practically immortal and invulnerable.
Immortals can take a great amount of damage. These beings are truly immortal and can only be stopped through desiccation. These beings are able to survive over 2,000 years without anything to sustain them and are invulnerable to all physical and mental attacks, though magic is the only thing that can stop them completely.
Gods possess a durability unlike any other, far exceeding known supernatural beings. They are all but impossible to kill as only another god, or god magic, is capable of killing a god. Despite their great durability, they can be weakened through "white fire and brimstone", a chemical explosion when phosphorous and sulfur is superheated, siphoning, or a combination of both. Their durability can also be subject to curses as Ken altered Ben's curse to make him mortal and unable to heal.