The Vampire Diaries Wiki
The Vampire Diaries Wiki



Katherine is sitting on a bench, writing on a diary.

Katherine: (voiceover) Dear Diary, I love my life. (shot of Katherine waking up in the dorm) Seriously, becoming Elena Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me. (She puts on clothes and looks at herself in the mirror.) I finally have everything I ever wanted. (She puts on makeup) I'm young, healthy, gorgeous. Everyone loves me, (shot of Katherine back on the bench) but best of all, I'm a vampire again, (she pulls out her phone and looks at a picture of Elena and Damon) so rest in peace, Elena. Thanks for giving me the perfect life, (She erases the picture and another one pops up) and now that I've corrected the single worst decision you ever made,(she deletes the second picture as well) falling in love with Damon Salvatore, (She keeps deleting pictures of Elena and Damon) I'm gonna win back the one thing I've always wanted. (She comes across a picture of Elena and Stefan and she sets it as the phone's background.)



(Caroline walks into a classroom, followed by Katherine and Bonnie.)

Caroline: So we all agree? No more moping about life's little failures and no more dabbling the dark arts of boyfriends past. This is a fresh start. (She turns around to face them.)
Katherine: Couldn't agree more. I happen to love fresh starts.
Bonnie: Um, I haven't been moping or dabbling. (They sit.)
Caroline: No one likes a bragger, Bonnie.

(There's an empty seat between Bonnie and a girl in her class. The girl had her purse on the seat and Bonnie talked to her.)

Bonnie: Hey, do you mind if I share?

(The girl, without even looking at Bonnie, throws her own purse on the floor in an "I-don't-care" attitude.)

Bonnie: (sarcastically) Great. Thanks. Appreciate it.
Caroline: Today is the dawning of a new era. This is stage one of our metamorphosis into the land of the brave, the free, and the single.
Katherine: Bonnie's not single.
Caroline: Bonnie's best friends are single, which makes her single adjacent. So she can be our wingwoman. (She pulls out a flyer and gives it to Katherine.)
Katherine: 'Whitmore's Annual Bitter Ball, a night to celebrate broken hearts, jilted lovers, and bitter singles.' This is our fresh start?
Caroline: No. This is our purge, our cleanse. This is where we rid ourselves from the baggage better known as our tragic and mortifying first semester.
Katherine: I'll drink to that.

(As Caroline keeps taking in the background, Bonnie notices the girl next to her playing with her pen, twirling it on the seat's desk. But then, she keeps twirling it... by hovering her hand over it without touching it. Bonnie opens her eyes and mouth in surprise.)

Caroline: Bonnie!

(The girl looks at Bonnie and sees that Bonnie has seen her and she slams her hand on the pen, stopping it. Katherine gently hits Bonnie with her elbow to get her attention.)

Caroline: Bonnie, you in?
Bonnie: Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like fun.