Vitale Society is a secret society located in the basement of the University of Dalcrest.
Elena's parents were part of the only company in the beginning they practiced the worship of the spirits of the earth, puissaient their energy in the sacred land, intéraissés by love, peace and that at the créabilité. They were devoted to their prochains. Until a Guardian was presented at one of their meeting, she annoçait a new type of Guardian me into the world: it is deadly, live on earth and will have exceptional powers allow it to maintain the balance between the supernatural forces of good and evil and the parents of Elena who were selected for this advent.
The Hunters: Moonsong[]
Vitale Society has changed since then. It is directed by Ethan Crane. Initially, it appears to be a company like any other, and consists of twenty students who have potential as Matt eg it was one of the high school football team of Fell's Church's . But in the end the Vitale Society is actually designed to gather an army of vampires (which Ethan is also a) to resurrect the origins of vampire Klaus. Matt is then trapped when Stefan pops. It removes the young Chloe Pascal was in transition. But the young vampires flow quickly to Stefan, he might be the oldest and most powerful, but it can not overcome twenty vampire himself. Meredith, Damon and Elena are involved in turn, and almost all the vampires were destroyed except 14 other members who hunt and Ethan. According to Matt, it seems that there would be a total of 25 vampires in this army.
The Hunters: Destiny Rising[]
Vampires are apparently controlled by Ethan more than it seems. One night, vampires are attacked by pack of backgrounds as well as Elena and her friends. When Klaus is resurrected, members are apparently frightened by the appearance of this powerful vampire and assist with horror at the death of their leader Ethan. Ethan's vampires are destroyed by Elena and the other in a library at the University of Dalcrest.
- Ethan Crane † (leader)
- Matt Honeycutt (formerly)
- Stuart Covington †
- Chloe Pascal †
- Samantha Dixon †
- Christopher Nowicki †
- Anna †
- Lorelai †
- Beth †
- Other members †
See also[]